Chapter 1

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Harley walked through the halls up to her grandmother's office. It was just her and her three friends. Dina daughter of Ruy. Jack, Gethen's son. And Nico Umber's son. They were all very quiet. It was unusual but when the leader of the strongest rebel group suddenly summons you that happens.

"Come in." The voice of Gisela rang out as Harley knocked. They walked in to see her sitting at her desk patiently, Keefe leaning against the wall behind her. They all tensed up at the sight of him, it was well known that Keefe was much scarier than his mother, in the sense of temper and strength. Although Keefe paid them no mind, not even his daughter, as they walked in. He seemed much more interested in cleaning the blood off of his knife.

"You summoned us, Grandmother?" Harley said as she folded her hands in front of herself. Her attitude in front of her two relatives was much different from when she wasn't.

"Ah yes. Sit, all of you." Gisela waited for them all to sit down until she spoke with a smile on her face. "You will all be going to the Lost Cities and attending Foxfire." Dina gasped and the boys looked repulsed. Harley stayed silent only having her eyes widened.

"Why?" Dina asked scrunching her nose. She received a soft glare as Harley elbowed her.

"Because you were ordered to. Not by me but by the council." At that all of them looked shocked. "The son of that who— sorry the son of Moonlark presented the idea that the children of members of our group should have a chance seeing as you all committed no crimes and are innocent." Even she let a bit of distaste seep into her voice. 

"Ugh." Jack verbally groaned. They all ignored him.

"So I decided to take advantage of this." The usual sick smile finally appeared on her face as she stared at them. "You will all find a way to destroy that forcefield one way or another and free us from the outside. They will never see it coming and we—" she then locked eyes with Harley individually, "will rise to the top. Understood?" She said.

"What's in it for us?" Harley's soft voice filled the room. Gisela rose an eyebrow at her granddaughter.

"World dominance? Total control? Power?"  She suggested and Harley sighed softly glancing quickly at her friends.

"I mean the four of us?" She said in a small voice. Gisela stood from her chair leaning over her granddaughter that shrunk back.

"I do not see why what I suggested does not still apply." She said coldly and grabbed Harley by the chin harshly. "But what you get does not matter because you will do as you are told, understood?" She said in a stern voice staring down at her. Harley stared at her grandmother in fear. For the first time she quickly glanced at her father. He was staring—glaring at her with cold empty eyes. He always had that stare, even with her. She could count on one hand how many times he looked at her with any sort of affection. Even less how many times he showed it. The only frequent kind was anger, when he was punishing her for defying them. But even then it was just a glimmer.

Harley quickly looked away, she didn't have enough nerve to look at him longer than a few seconds. "Y—yes Grandmother." She stuttered.

"Good. And get rid of that stutter its unbecoming of a Sencen." She said with a scrunched nose and sat back down. "Now if you were truly curious then I would have to add that you might have abilities." She said absentmindedly.

"Wait really?" Nico asked shocked. Now this caught his attention.

"Yes yes. If those schools are teaching anything then you would know that abilities are stripped away here. Once your inside the barrier abilities cannot be accessed." Gisela said annoyance in her tone. "Oh how I miss our abilities. Don't you son? You could get people to do whatever you wanted, even go numb!" A small smirk graced your fathers lips.

"Yes. The good old days."  He said with a certain glow to his eye. Gisela then looked at you.

"Oh I hope you have your fathers ability. So much planning and work, would be such a shame you didn't have it too." She said sadly. She finally tapped her hand against her desk signally them to leave. "We will continue this talk later. I have to speak with my son." They all hurried out but Harley stopped at the door.

"When will we be leaving?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." Gisela said then shooed her away with her hand.


Harley POV

"I can't believe we're leaving so soon." Jack kept complaining with Dina joining in.

"Yeah. I don't wanna go to that sparkly suffocating hell of a place." She said scrunching her nose. I was packing. A few daggers, some clothes, some old tech amongst other things. Nico and I were the only ones packing. They kept complaining when Nico chimes in.

"It would be nice to have abilities though." And they begrudgingly agreed.

"If we do have one, what do you think we'd have?" Dina asked:

"You'd probably be vociferator cause your voice is so loud and annoying." At that we all laughed as she turned bright red and tackled him to the ground. But soon Umber walked in.

"You two should be packing." She said glaring with her hands on her hips. They both mumbled 'sorry' then (finally) started packing. "Nico, come with me. I need to talk to you about something." She said with a soft smile. If you need to know her and Ruy were the only ones that actually care about their kids or at least are the ones to show it. Although they also seem to care for us but let's ignore that. My relatives are Gisela and Keefe. Why did I shiver their not even in the room—.

Soon Nico came back with a small smile holding something in his pocket. We didn't ask. We didn't care plus it's his thing and it's personal. What? Just because we're the kids of deadly villains don't mean we don't respect people privacy.

Soon we all went to sleep after Gisela had went over a few theories on how to take down the barrier with us.

Tomorrow was going to be a nightmare.


Well here it is. Finished it right before going to school for you guys. Hope you like it. I'll edit the misspells and other stuff later I have school now. (Save me....)

Bye loves!!


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