The Text

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Eva pov

Standing here making breakfast I think about everything that has happened the last few months. Scott was the best boyfriend, treated me and Nate beautifully in the beginning. Then as time went on his attitude changed. Nothing seemed to ever be done right. First it was yelling, then it started getting physical. Our neighbor I know he means well, but every time he calls the cops Scott freaks out. Yelling at me to get rid of them, he doesn't need the attention. As I think about what I could possibly do to help myself, I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Scott yelling and pulling my head back by my hair so he's right in my face.

"What the fuck Eva, your burning the fucking breakfast."

"I'm so sorry, here take this. This is ready to go. I'm sorry.."

"Stop saying your fucking sorry. You're a sorry piece of shit! Fucking worthless piece of trash."

At the same moment, my son Nate walks in and sits down.

Scott leaned in to whisper in my ear "You're lucky your little bastard kid saved your ass! I will deal with you later." when he finally let's go of my hair.

He abruptly walks out of the house without even eating. So I give his food to Nate so he can start eating before I walk him to school. I quickly scarf down some food because now I'm running behind. I quickly run upstairs to get clothes and shoes for Nate so I can get him dressed. I have a part time job at a local bakery that I go to after dropping off Nate at his school. It's not an amazing job but it gives me something to do while I wait for Nate. My boss Linda is great and let's me off just in time to grab Nate from school.

I quickly get him dressed and we head out the door so he isn't late to school. As we get walking Nate starts talking to me..

"Momma, I had the dream again last night."

"What dream Nate?"

"You know momma, the one with the man that saves us. This time was different though, this time he gave you a card."

"Does this man have a name Nate?"

"He says his name is Angel."

"Well baby it was just a dream. Momma is trying to figure out how to get us out of this mess. I promise ok."

"Ok Momma, I know. I just... Scott scares me, and I don't like it when he hits you."

"Shhh. Baby I know, I don't like it either."

We walk in silence the rest of the way to the school. I can't help but keep replaying Nate's dream in my head. Where's this mystery man? Would Nate even recognize him if he saw him? When we approach the front of the school, I kneel down to give Nate a hug and kiss. He quickly turns and runs into the school so he isn't late. He turns back to give me one last wave when I let out a tear that I quickly brush away. He doesn't deserve this. If only Nathan was still here. Nate's dad got into an accident and passed away while I was pregnant with Nate. His name is Nathaniel after his father, but I call him Nate for short.

I quickly look at my watch noticing the time and quickly walk to the bakery on the next block over rushing inside to clock in. When I clock in My boss Linda grabs my wrist pulling me aside.

"Eva, love I know it's your normal grocery day. So if you need to leave a little early to go next door and get some it's ok. You know you always have me if you need any help."

"I know Linda, I appreciate it."

I head out to the front when I start stocking all the pastries and ring up customers. As usual we are starting the infamous morning rush. The morning goes by quickly and soon we are through the afternoon rush. It's now about one thirty in the afternoon, and I quickly clock out so I can run next door and get groceries for dinner. I have to be quick because dinner has to be done at a certain time. I shiver just thinking about what happens if it isn't.

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