Chapter 3 || Curious Light

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The hallway Guiding had sent them through was... well, Curious didn't know how to describe it. (In a good way... of course.)

It was organized in a way that was both neat and messy. Sure, all the doors looked the same — light-brown wood with a metal handle — but each one had a different style; a different personality, even.

Curious felt a need to explore further. They stopped in front of a door covered with small, colorful stickers and doodles. This entrance... intrigued them. They felt a need to explore further.

Maybe...? Curious thought, reaching out toward the door's handle. No. No, that... that'd be trespassing. Maybe after everyone's warmed up to me. They pulled their hand back, and continued wandering down the hallway.

They continued walking down the corridor, the various entrances intriguing them even more. Was this what Guiding Light meant by "weird?" Because, in Curi's opinion, it was fascinating — in comparison to the bland doors in The Rooms.

When the hallway turned to the right, the yellow revenant turned with it, hearing the sparkle-like noises Guiding had told them about. Speaking of Guiding, Curi found their office right around the corner, shining in blue.

Their office was the first door they saw, but there were two more entryways next to it — one covered in a type of black goo, the other outlined in elegant gold and dark wood.

The two other passageways somewhat creeped Curious Light out, asking mental questions with nervous curiosity. They'd... probably see what would come of them later.

Curious Light opened the door to Guiding's office. Inside, it was very... warm. A birch-white desk stood in the middle of the room — sticky notes, notepads, and various pencil organizers were placed on top of it.

On the wall, dark-blue wallpaper was underneath a line of pictures and drawings with several different signatures. Most of them were art pieces of Guiding Light themselves, or The Hotel, but there was a specific one that caught their attention.

A picture in a grandiose, royal-blue frame had an ethereal blue sign underneath it.

Hotel Staff — August 10, 2022, it read. The picture itself seemed to be taken as a selfie — Guiding Light being the person holding the camera, smiling brightly.

Everyone else in the photo, seemingly the entities, looked so... happy. That was so different from The Rooms' entities — who always seemed so hostile and tough.

The entities here had... personalities that were almost the exact opposite of the A-000 Trio. It was strange, sure, but it gave the yellow revenant a sense of longing.

Next to that was another picture with the same frame and sign, but with different text on the plaque.

The picture was still taken in selfie form, this time with the usage of a shiny, teal-blue selfie stick. There seemed to be more entities in the photo (Curious noticed Dupe amidst the crowd), but everyone seemed as happy as they were in the first picture.

With the edition of the newer entities, the ethereal blue label had different wording on it as well: Hotel Staff: Hotel+ — January 28, 2023. Hotel+ must mean an addition to The Hotel, Curious figured out.

"Hey, Curi!" Guiding Light greeted, opening the door and smiling. "You ready? I got everyone gathered around the announcement platform."

"M-hm," Curious Light mumbled. "I'm ready."

"All right, good!" Guiding Light sang. "Come on — the others are waiting."

Curious exited Guiding's office, the two lights walking side-by-side.

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