(REWRITE!) Chapter 1||Guiding Light

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A/N: hi!!! yeah i did a rewrite bc there were a couple setbacks and details in the original that didn't really do it for me, and this story's timeline progression and whatnot :)

56, 57, 58... Everything seems to be in order.

Another completed run, another set of checks and double-checks. After all, this was Guiding Light's responsibility; they had to prepare the Hotel for the next run — whether it be with multiple guests or a singular one.

Entering Door 59, the lightbulbs in the room dimmed significantly, which only meant a certain entity dropping by.

"Hello, Void," Guiding said. "The report on the guests?"

"Nope, none yet," Void reported. "Which kind of sucks, since I've been watching that elevator for who knows how long now."

The specter sighed. "All right then, we'll call it a night. Mind telling the others?"

"Not at all!" Void exclaimed. "See ya, Light!" All the lights returned to their normal, brightened state.

Up to Door 58, all that was needed to be organized was — from hidden keys to useful items; the Library Books to Jeff's Shop.

After leaving a Candle on top of a table-like drawer, the spirit continued onward from Door 59.

It only took a while more to reach the Large Basement at Door 63. Looking back at Door 62, Guiding noticed a crack in the wall. It wasn't any ordinary crack, it was one similar to a large gash. This piqued Guiding's interest — how come they hadn't seen this before?

Backtracking to Door 62, the spirit looked closer into the situation. The crack in the wall was hidden be an angled closet, somewhat hidden from view. Looking inside the crevice, there seemed to be insulation laid out in a maze-like format.

Guiding Light had an urge to explore further — after all, this was a part of the Hotel that they didn't know about, surprisingly — but they repressed that urge. They had a job to do, and they would finish that job first before going on anymore uncalled-for adventures.

After passing through Door 63 and Door 64, Guiding Light reached the Infirmary at Door 65. They always liked the calming presence of the area.

Among the repetitive and somewhat dull rooms, a spirit noticed a change in aura.

It's only A-0259, anyways... What could have caused this sudden change of pace? The spirit picked up their speed slightly, their curiosity piquing higher each passing second.

Reaching the end of A-0259, there was a large hole in the wall, looking like it was carved out by force. Why was this here? And more importantly: What was its purpose?

They peered closer into the opening, attracted closer by their inquisitiveness. Bluish-teal sparkles surrounded a door with an Exit sign over top. Strange enough, a sort of... calming melody played faintly nearby, like the remnants of a distant memory.

Did they want to open the door? To whatever leads outside it? They've never seen anything like this — or maybe they have, but they haven't realized it... All these thoughts are worrying them.

They're almost done double-checking the Infirmary, Guiding just needed to check the Herb of Viridis' room, and they would be on their way.

Although, ever since they saw that gap in the wall, they couldn't get it off of their mind. What would its contents hold? Why was it even there in the first place? What was beyond that maze of insulation?

Guiding shook their flame-like head. They'd think about this later, maybe even write their thoughts down to organize them.

Summoning a Skeleton Key in their hand, they unlocked and pushed open the Herb's secluded room. They breathed in the fragrance, not experiencing its effects but enjoying its mint-like scent.

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