Chapter 5 (Bonding with Him)

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     Arishy P.O.V:

       After the event of the prom, I was scared of Uzi and N finding out that I had the AbsoluteSolver the whole time. I wouldn't think that they wouldn't be friends anymore because of what I am because of my past. Until I saw N seeing me holding myself and he sat down right next to me which made me blush a little bit. (N): "Hey are you feeling alright." I shook my head at him which made him feel bad that I wasn't doing ok. He gently patted my head which I didn't mind at all patted my head. N smiled softly till it looked like he had an idea of what he can do together that he started to tell me. (N): "Maybe w-we can have some bonding together, so we can know each other a little bit." I smiled softly thinking it was a great idea to hang out with each other to get to know a little bit better. I told him it was a great idea of bonding together that made him smile to me which it was adorable to me. N pulled out his wings as he gently held out his hand to her which I gently took it. I holded on to him tightly as he took off flying as he was taking me to a new location for our bonding. I looked at him flying while the sky was shining on him and I started to blush red I couldn't control my feelings from what I told him. I don't know if he heard me confessing my feelings? I didn't want to think of that till N gently put me down to the ground he led me to an abandoned building. I was confused a little bit but we both went in to check it out. (N): "I thought we can look around here or maybe walk together. Sorry, I'm not good with bonding things." I giggled softly as I gently held his hand I told him that It was alright for small little things. He smiled softly till we started to walk together while seeing the inside of the abandoned building. 

     Until while walking in the abandoned building, It was great to get to know N and even though I love him I just love his personality. We both giggled softly as we were almost out of the abandoned building but I was afraid to ask him something. (N): "Your feeling nervous, Are you ok Ari?" I stopped slowly while I was rubbing my arm softly as I sighed softly as he really cares for me a lot. (Ari): "I haven't told everyone this since I might think they don't want to be near me, I haven't even told Uzi yet. But please don't tell anyone, I don't want anyone to be scared." N nodded in agreement which made me calm a little bit so that he understands what I'm requesting so he doesn't tell anyone not even Uzi about it. So I explained about my Absolute solver and about my parent's past which in his reaction was that he was scared and felt really bad for me of what I've been through. For a bit, I finished talking which made him silent I was about to cry as I was going to say something he gave me a huge hug. I didn't do anything till I hugged him tightly while crying which he understood what was up with me and he was just worried about me a lot. (N): "I care for you so much that with what you been through, I want to take care of you so much." I blushed a little bit as he gently wiped my sensors like he was wiping my tears which it was very sweet of him of how much he was so kind to me. But out of nowhere, he kissed me on the lips which it made me blush so red that I didn't expect to have that happen as I slowly kissed him back. We pulled out a bit till he confessed to me that he heard me confessing my feelings which it got me embarrassed a lot that he thought it was cute to him. (N): "I gotta be honest, I have the same feelings even though I still have a crush on V. I am actually in love with you of your personality and your kindness to me as everyone has treated me." I smiled softly that he is confessing to me which it made me blush a lot until he hugged me and I did the same thing for a little while. We looked at the time at which we need to go but we didn't want anyone to know yet that we are in a relationship we promised ourselves that we wouldn't tell anyone about what happened during our bonding tonight. He carried me in a bridal style as we both flew off back to the pod as we spend the rest of our time cuddling each other and talking about things that we didn't tell anyone about. Until N put a topic of Oil he told me if I need oil he would help me to get some without hurting the worker drones. But I told him that my parents put a barrel of Oil before they died for me if I need some, he nod softly he took note of that if I need anything but he was happy to be here with me and taking care of me. I'm happy as well that I am with him, and hang out with him so that he's not scared of me or what I am. I would think I have found someone that wants to take care of me no matter what and protect me which I want to protect him as well. But I would think we would take care of each other no matter what, it's kind of a relationship team as I don't mind being with him no matter what. 

(Sorry if it was short but I'm hoping you like it and enjoy your day/night)

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