Nolan glares at Declan. "You don't know what I'm capable of."

"I'm more in the light of what you're capable of than you are of me." Declan's eyes go from Nolan, to his grip on my arm. "Let go of her. Don't make me ask you again."

"Nolan, Please." I begged him. He slowly let my arm go and I started to head towards the stairs with Declan's arm around my waist.

"Val." I stop, and turn my head slightly. "What happened to your leg?"

I look down at the dried blood stain on my pants where I was shot. "I tried to shoot a squirrel." I lied. "I missed."

"Stupid child." He says, with a head shake.

Declan helps me up the stairs, each one more painful than the last. The wound on my leg is quite the inconvenience for me. Moving slow and being incapable isn't quite what I like. Especially if I'm going to be living with a man I don't trust.

Once we're in my bedroom with the door shut Declan says "I should kill him." He chews on his lip and his hands form fists at his sides. "God I wish I could fucking kill him."

I don't say anything. I grab a duffel bag and start shoving things in there. Clothes, shoes, guns, ammo, all the things I'd need. "Is this how he's been treating you?!" He whisper-yells. "That mother fucker"

"I don't want to talk about him right now." I cut him off. "Let's just get my stuff and get out of here okay? Before I lose my shit."

Declan doesn't respond. He watches me gather the rest of my things and throw the bag over my shoulder.

When I tell him I'm ready he takes my bag from me and helps me walk back down the stairs. When we pass the kitchen, Nolan is in there with a glass of whiskey. He doesn't say anything as I leave. It's silent eye contact until we're out the door.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive by yourself?" Declan asks, gesturing towards my leg.

"I'm fine. Are we going back to your sister's place?" I ask. He nods.

"Just for a minute so we can leave her car." I nod and get in the car, tossing my bag in the back. Pulling out of the driveway, I drive past Declan as he gets in his car. It's a nice Range Rover. Something I didn't expect from him, but it suits him.

The night drive is quiet. Just me and my thoughts. Which I'm trying to avoid. But it's not that easy considering My Thoughts is the only other thing in the car with me.

Once we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I'm out of his Lore's car and grab my bag. "We need to be quick. Before your brother sobers up and realizes you left his grip."

I nod. "So where are we going then?"

"Back to my place for tonight. We'll get on a plane first thing tomorrow morning and head for Seattle." He tells me. His hand finds my back and he leads me into the building. "You're gonna have to leave your car though."

I sigh and nod. We walk in and there are stacks of bags by the door. Ellie is sitting there with a stuffed animal. "Hi Uncle Lanny and Valerie." She says with a smile. I wave at her. Declan walks over to her and sits by her. "Mommy says we're going to Seattle for a Vacation."

"Something like that." Declan responds to her. Lore comes around the corner with one last bag that she throws onto the pile.

"That should be good." She says. "So what's the plan, Stan." She says, her bright smile still present despite the haste we're in.

"We're staying here tonight. I'm booking a flight and we'll be gone by tomorrow. I'm taking Val back to my place with me. Here, take this." He pulls his gun from his waistband and hands it to her. She puts it in hers. "Not that I think you'll need it, but better safe than sorry." He looks over at Ellie, mindlessly playing with her toys. "And have her sleep in your bed tonight."

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