She gently gripped onto the hands of the teenager, pulling them around herself, as she slightly pulled the teenager in for a hug. "I'm sorry Wanda." she replied quietly.

"It's okay," she replied, hugging her a little tighter.

"Really?" the younger girl asked.

"Of course Peanut," she replied, pulling back from the hug, "I'm gonna let you get dressed, do you need anything before I leave? She asked.

"Okay..." she replied, slightly nodding her head, "and uh I don't think so..."

"Okay," the redhead replied, "I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Penny flashed her a small smile, "Okay....Thank you Wanda." she replied.

The redhead smiled and slightly patted her arm again, "Anytime peanut." she replied.

Penny gave Wanda a small smile, the redhead smiled back at her and walked towards the bedroom door, opening it slightly before shutting it behind her. Penny walked over to her new closet and slid the clothes around before she found the dress with delicate, black butterflies on it. She gently picked up the outfit and walked over to her bed, pulling the plastic protector that was hung over the dress; she balled up the hanger cover and threw it in the trash can. She carefully pulled the dress off of the hanger and laid the skirt over her bed, before pulling the bodysuit over her hips and over her shoulders, slightly zipping the neckline up. She picked up the skirt from her bed and stepped into it, tightening the small belt around her waist. She looked at herself in the mirror and tried typing the ribbon on her collar. He fingers, fumbling to get the strings to loop around herself. She looked at herself in the mirror and tried tying the ribbon again, the black silky material falling out of her hands. She made eye contact with herself in the mirror, feeling out of place. What was she doing in a dress this nice? She didn't belong here, dressed in all these nice things; why did she think she could dress like this? After trying and failing for almost ten minutes, she sighed and dropped the ribbons, letting them fall against her chest; she walked over to the door and put on the sparkly black flats before making her way downstairs to find the redheaded teenager, hoping that she would know how to fix the ribbons. When she reached the downstairs, she saw Natasha and with the man she recognized as Hawkeye and a woman who he assumed to be his wife. She faltered in her steps, pausing on the third to the last step; she noticed the brunette woman point at her and Natasha turned around to face her.

"Hey Sweetheart." the redhead called to her as she came down the stairs.

"Yes ma'am?" Penny replied as she walked closer tot he woman, slightly keeping her distance from the man.

"I want you to meet some people." the redhead announced, motioning towards the woman.

"O-okay." she replied, softly.

"Sweetheart, this is Clint and his wife Laura." the woman announced, motioning towards the loving couple.

Penny looked up at them, the sandy-haired man was looking at his wife, his eyes full of love; she could tell that the couple loved each other, after all they were Kate's parents. Anyone who was related to Kate, had to be nice right? "Hi...." She greeted softly, before she quickly looked down at her feet.

"Hi," Laura greeted, waving at her slightly.

Penny slowly waved her hand at her again.

Clint came closer, "Hey kiddo," he announced, gently ruffling her hair.

The younger girl restrained her flinch that was threatening to ripple its way through her body, "H-hi..." she replied quietly.

"You look so much like your brother kiddo." he replied, laughing lightly.

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