perfect girl

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No one's pov
She was perfect she had to be perfect
to have perfect grades straight A+ and her singing and modeling and  even if she gains one pound her mother with ruin her not feed her for the next  week .

She had a Perfect body , voice,grades she hated almost everything her mom made her do well almost
She loved to sing it was her true passion at night when her mom was fast asleep she would sing sad song all the time thinking of the good old days
When her dad was still there to protect her but those days were long gone
Piper he mother yelled from down stat
Yes mom she said as she cam down the stairs
Chage into this her mother hadded her a bag

The outfit was a bit too revealing but she can't say no to her mother

The outfit was a bit too revealing but she can't say no to her mother

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The outfit

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The outfit

Mom I am ready I came down
Eww girl put on some make and fix your hair she walked over to me and did my makeup and hair in a half up half down look
And we sat in a car I thought this was just some model work but boy was I wrong
I walked into what looked like a mansion
And a elderly man came out
Hello miss Rockelle I assume this is the girl he asked
Yes this is her she replied
Umm mom what is going on I asked
They ignored me and we went inside my mom told me to sit down in the living room Then I saw a man he was my age and quite handsome but she was staring at me up and down
I was trying to hide but then he said
Some here baby girl
Huh ? I am so confused I said
Ohhh you don't know babe I bought you your mine now
What mom I said and looked at my mom
And she just walked away after all I did for her
The man came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist
My name Is Gavin by the he way Gavin Magnus
I  facked a smile
Hi gavin I told him
Hey angle he said and smiled at me
Mr magnus is going to be your new husband my mom said
What ! I explained
I ran away in to the garden and started to sob I have been the perfect girl to her and she gets me married to a man I don't love or even know
I here foot stey behind me
I am not in the mood mom I am sorry I said
Well I am not your mom and I am just here to talk he said
I turned to see gavin
Really I asked him
Yeah that was a big shock there and I just wanted to see if you were ol
I smiled at him I am fine I said
He sat next to me and put his arm around me
Listen I can't deny that we will have to get married but I can wait for you just please give me a chance he asked me
Fine I sighed
and it turned to be the best decision I ever made 
He is a great guy we got married a year later and I really love and he loves me too
And so will I un born son 💓 

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