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All Might POV

"All Might, thank you so much for joining me today." The interviewer commented, with stars in her eyes, when the recording light turned red. "Of course! I love doing interviews and talking to my fans." I laughed loudly to cover up the fact that it was fake. I didn't actually like interviews. They were tedious and repetitive, but it was part of my hero image. This interview was no different as it drew on for the next 15 minutes. I loved the praise but hated the constant commenting on how long I've been working, how many people I've saved, and how I rose to the top quickly.

I simply repeated the attitude and responses that I had been PR trained to memorize. But the question that the interviewer asked next was new and made my eyes widen. "So All Might, as we know, you are the only top 10 heroes without a large agency of sidekicks. Do you have any future plans on taking on sidekicks or proteges? Do you think you would be effective as a mentor for a young hero in training?"

I stared at the interviewer silently for a second before grinning. "Well, I believe I would be a wonderful mentor if I do say so myself. And what young hero wouldn't be very lucky to be trained by the #1 hero in Japan?" I let out a boisterous laugh before continuing my response. "And I do in fact, have an individual in mind to stand as my successor. It is still in the works to get this young individual to be taken under my wing, but I believe he is the perfect candidate to carry on my name and legacy!" 

The interviewer looked interested and curious but didn't ask and just nodded and exclaimed that she was excited to see the future of All Might. She thanked me for my time and ended the interview. I stood from my seat and was thanked by the TV crew for being part of the interview today. I just bowed my head and left; another day, another interview. 

As I walked out of the building, I pulled out my phone and dial the number I had memorized a while ago. "Yagi." Nezu's monotone voice said over the line. I frowned at his tone when he addressed me, "Nezu, who knew there was a person that wasn't excited to get a call from the number 1," I said peeved. I heard Nezu huff out a laugh, "What do you need Yagi?" My frown deepened. "I was hoping to come and talk to you." "Uh-huh," Nezu said board. I was about to criticize his attitude toward me but he continued, "About Yamada and Aizawa's sons?" 

"Yes," I responded as calmly as possible. That rat principle was trying to rile me up, I just knew it, but I had to keep my cool. "You can come in this afternoon. I'm free for an hour and am just doing paperwork." With that, he just hung up and I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it in disbelief. What. The. Hell! How could he hang up on the number 1 hero?! The nerve! I growled to, myself and walked to my car. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to UA. 


When I got to Nezu's office door, I knocked twice. The door opened slowly and my relaxed smile fell to a frown as I saw my two least favorite pro's nursing cups of tea on the side couch. "Aizawa, Yamada." I greeted, annoyed. "All Might." They said in unison. "Nezu,  I was hoping to speak privately." "I know." I frowned more, agitated. "But, seeing as you want to talk about their sons, I figured they should be involved. I just huffed and sat down, not willing to argue right now.

"I think-" I barely even started talking when Aizawa rudely interrupted me. "The nekos shouldn't and aren't going to be separated." I nodded in agreement. "I will agree with that. I have been made aware of their separation problem. However, they need training as they pursue the life of a hero. I have come up with an accommodating plan. I shall train Izuku, and Endeavor can train Shoto. I understand that the young neko is his son." Yamada and Aizawa glared darkly at me but I ignored it as Nezu spoke up.

"Actually, their training has already started." I gave the rat a disbelieving look. "What?! Why was I not informed? Through my training regime, Izuku could have a very. high chance of becoming the next number 1 hero. This would be great for his reputation as a villain's relative." I was slightly startled when Aizawa popped up from his seat and slammed his empty mug on the coffee table.

"Just stop it, Yagi! Shoto AND Izuku are our sons and we shall be handling their training. We are fully capable heroes as well as teachers who have hands-on experience teaching and managing trauma victims.  I agree that they need training but neither has voiced a solid opinion on what they want to do in the future! For Kami's sake, they only got out of captivity 2 years ago and are still trying to relearn how to manage to live their lives without constant fear! Neither we, nor Endeavor are pushing either of them in the ways of hero work because we understand that they are young an traumatized. They are only 12 and getting simple self-defense training will already put them ahead of their peer if they so wish to pursue heroics." 

I gawked as Aizawa sat pat with a huff and crossed his arms. I could believe this. They were refusing the help of the greatest hero in Japan because of what, a little PTSD?! Those boys are young, they'll surely forget what happened as they get older. But with that age AFO will almost pursue Izuku. I need to take Izuku now before that happens and make him the hero that will save Japan rather than destroy it! Why could they all see that? It's common sense!

I just stood and growled out upset. "You all are making a grave mistake by keeping Izuku's training out of my hands. I am trying to train that boy so that he doesn't turn into his father and destroy this country. I do not care if you all bare his training away from me now; but eventually, his training will fall into my hands and he will become my successor rather than AFO's. He is the future of this country whether you like it or not. But it is your actions and restrictions that will determine if he is the destruction or protection. I am telling you now, I will get the boy in the end because you two are not the only ones with friends in high places." 

With that, I turn roughly and stomped out of the office. I powered down One For All and left UA. I had a few calls to make with the HPSC president and they could wait any longer.


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