1.7 fight at the frat party

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Tonight's the first frat party since being back from winter break. I was honestly really excited about it.

Sam, Seth, and Colby are all out getting alcohol right now while us girls are getting ready for the party.

Ainsley and Stas are in our dorm right now since we wanted to get ready together.

Stas and Kat were doing their makeup while I was straightening Ainsley's hair.

I was going to go more casual for the party. I had on a sheer long sleeved black top with a plaid dress over it.

The dress has spaghetti straps and it's not too tight or too loose. It was honestly really cute.

I had black tights on to keep my legs a little warm. I had on black vans since I didn't want to wear heels.

Knowing me, if I wore heels, I would get drunk and break my ankle somehow.

Once I finished doing Ainsley's hair, she stood up and thanked me.

I put light makeup on before we left. We were going a few minutes early so we could talk to the boys beforehand.

They should be getting back. When we finish getting ready, we all gather our phones and purses while walking out.

The four of us walked to the frat house with our arms linked. "We're getting legless!" Ainsley cheered which made us all laugh.

When we walked into the frat house, we could hear Sam and Seth talking in the kitchen.

We walked in there to see them setting up the alcohol. Kat walked over to her boyfriend, kissing him on the cheek.

"You two need to get a room." Seth scrunched his nose towards the couple. We all chuckled as I looked around.

I went over to Seth as he opened a whiskey bottle. "Where's Colby?" I question. He looks at me as he pours himself a cup.

"I think he's changing upstairs." He informs me as I nod my head. Stas begged me to take a shot with the girls so that's exactly what I did.

They poured me a shot of Smirnoff so we all clinked our glasses together. I drank the shot, the liquid going down my throat.

I'm getting better at drinking alcohol and I don't need a chaser anymore. "Starting early are we?" Colby asked while walking over to us.

I just roll my eyes as he comes over towards me. "It's five o'clock somewhere." I joked which made me chuckle.

I looked at Colby's outfit really quick. He had on a black and white striped shirt with black skinny jeans on.

He had on a black jean jacket over it to match it. The outfit wasn't actually half bad.

I looked into Colby's icy blue eyes to see he was looking a little more serious.

I could tell he had something on his mind. "If someone bothers you tonight, will you come and find me?" He asked in almost a whisper.

I don't know why he's whispering, everyone was in their own conversation.

"Someone like Brad?" I ask with my eyebrow raised. He nods his head towards me.

"Yeah, I wouldn't put it past him to try it again. I'll beat his ass if he does." I started smiling a little bit towards him.

"Is someone getting protective over me?" I ask him with a smirk. For a moment, I could've sworn I saw him blush a little bit.

He rolled his eyes while biting his bottom lip a little bit. "Shut up. For real though, find me if someone starts bothering you."

I nodded my head towards him. Before we knew it, the music turned up and people started showing up.

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