1.6 back from winter break

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Winter break came and went faster than I wanted it to. Christmas with my family was honestly really fun.

I got a bunch of new records, clothes, and a new phone. Mine had been messing up recently.

I spent New Years with some of my old theater friends. I really enjoyed seeing them and catching up with them.

It wasn't the same as my friends here though. Don't get me wrong. I love my high school friends, I just have a better connection with everyone here.

I came here a day early to get everything set up. Ainsley is flying here now while Seth, Sam, Kat, and Stas come back tomorrow.

As I was putting my new records in the bin, my door opened revealing Colby. He told me he was here too so I wasn't surprised.

I smiled at him as he walked in. "Hey, how was your break?" I ask as he came and sat on my bed.

"It was pretty normal. I worked at the record store a lot. I only really saw my family for Christmas." He shrugged.

I knew he didn't really get along with his family much so that answer didn't surprise me any.

I figured he would work a lot since Seth went back to Boston. "How was yours?" He asked as I shrugged.

I put the last record in the bin and sat it on the floor. I now had to put my clothes away.

I started grabbing hangers and clothes. "It went pretty well. I caught up with some old friends from high school." I say.

"You don't seem too happy about that." He laughed about it while I hung a shirt up.

I shrug while I think about it. "It's not that I'm unhappy about not seeing them. I've just matured I guess." I tell him.

He furrowed his eyes towards me like he wanted me to explain. I sighed while I tried to think of the words.

"I could tell they were stuck in their high school days. All they wanted to talk about was theater. They also judged me a little bit." I laughed.

"What do you mean, judged?" He asked curiously. "They asked me how everything was going." I start.

"I told them how I'm loving it and how I met most of the group at a frat party. They judged me for going to a frat party and drinking."

He started shaking his head a little bit after I said that. "Well, you obviously don't need them anymore." He says which makes me laugh.

"Yeah, the vibe with them was totally off." I hang a shirt up in my closet. He was quiet for a moment.

"Honestly fuck them." I laughed a little bit towards him. I couldn't agree with him more.

He sat there for a moment, thinking about something. "Were you super judgmental like them?" He asked.

I purse my lips while thinking back to high school. "I tried not to be like them and judge other people for no reason." I tell him.

"Yeah, I admit, I'm really bad about that." I gave Colby a look while I tried to not laugh.

"Oh trust me, I know." We both laugh as I hang up another hoodie. I look at him for a moment while I think of something.

"Why did you judge me when we first met?" I ask him curiously. He shifts on the bed while looking at me.

It's nice we're able to talk about this. "I could just tell you were perfect, and I didn't like it." I inhaled a deep breath.

"I'm not perfect. You keep saying that, but I'm not." I try to tell him.

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