💌 | Dottore x Mermaid!GN!Reader

Start from the beginning

Was this how the world was going to mark the end of "Zandik's Legacy"? Was it a way of punishing him for the unorthodox crimes he had committed? For he, who had to make sacrifices in the name of science, to fulfill that curiosity of his, was looked down upon by the gods who deemed it as "unethical"?

His eyelids had never felt this heavy before. Perhaps... Perhaps he could take a little nap?

Yes... Yes, that sounded nice, he thought. Everything felt so peaceful right now, a little rest wouldn't hurt...


The sound of giggles and water splashing could be heard in the distance.

You were just enjoying your time swimming around these more foreign parts of the ocean, exploring every nook and cranny that you could get into. Other than to explore, if you were lucky, you'd also find what you considered "treasure" that fell down from the world above. Collecting all these bits and pieces of human items had become a hobby of yours when you first learned of such species.

Their existence was fascinating to you. How could one not live in water? What do they eat? What is this "teapot" that they use? Is it an instrument? You tried blowing into it once but it did not make a sound so... maybe not.

But the most curious of them all, how do their "legs" work? You always shuddered at that, you couldn't imagine having your fins split in half.

So many questions, and yet, so little answers.

You were swimming out of a cave when you saw something blue glowing on the ocean floor. You got closer and squinted your eyes when you tried to look at what it was. Gasping a little, you realized it was probably another human item, as you have never seen this before. You picked it up and held it in front of your face. It was an odd looking tube with some blue liquid inside of it.


You were mesmerized by its glow, it was hypnotizing. You inspect it further, the top and bottom of this tube was adored in gold, and there was some kind of hook on it. Smiling in triumph at this new find, you swam ahead to see if you could find some more. As you did so, you noticed a merman slowly falling onto the ocean floor.

You were concerned as he looked like he was unconscious, so you decided to swim near to see if you could help. Once you did, it was then he wasn't someone of your kind.

He had... legs.

Was he...

You didn't know what to do, there was a human. An unconscious human right in front of you. Should you help him? This was the first you've ever seen one in person as well, you didn't know if he's dangerous or not...

Your dilemma was quickly settled with your morals. You could worry about that later, this human needed help. You held his hand and with all the strength that you could muster, you swam him to the surface. Looking around, you spotted an island he might be able to rest on and you brought him there, laying him on the sand.

You looked at the human before you, he was wearing something funny on his face and, well, he looked funny in general. You touched whatever that was on his face slightly and realized you could move it. You took it off and you were pleasantly surprised. He had a sharp jawline and his lips looked so soft.

You were starting to doubt the rumors you've heard about them. How could someone look like this could be so... dangerous? You shook your head and placed whatever that was on his face back on him.

Well then, what to do now?


The Doctor groaned slightly as he began to gain his consciousness again, he could feel the senses of his body coming back to him. His nose could pick up on the pungent smell of something fresh and the sound of ebbing waves. Not long after, he could also feel his hands again. He touched the ground and he could feel a gritty texture, was it sand?

Genshin (mostly Dottore) x Reader ☆ (One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now