💌 | Venti x GN!Reader

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⭐In the midst of stars, I see you twinkle from afar - Venti x gn!reader🌠

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Summary: In which you danced under the stars with our favorite bard <3

Word count: ~1k

Warning(s): Fluff, it is implied that the reader has low self-esteem(?), I can't write poems lol

A/N: This is kind of a comfort fic actually. I thought of this during class and I can't resist writing it. I'm pretty nervous to post this. I don't think it turned out how I wanted it but that's okay, or else how am I supposed to learn, hm? Gotta start somewhere y'know

Anyways, I hope you like it! Also, English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I'm an amateur writer so any constructive criticisms are appreciated!

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

The tiny dots in the night sky were something you have adored ever since you were little. Always begging your parents to tell you the tales of the constellations. The shining stars were like a glimpse of hope guiding you through the night. You longed to be like them, to be someone's hope.

The traveler, however, also known as the honorary knight. They have what it takes to protect the city. Hack, they were able to take down a dragon without even batting an eye. You wished you have that kind of strength.

For now though, perhaps helping people around Mondstadt with small errands would be enough to fill that satisfaction. You wanted to be able to do more, but biting off more than you can chew was not always a good thing.

Today was like any other day. You went around the city, asking if anyone needed a hand. Fortunately, Margaret needed help with something. One of her felines, Nelson, went missing again. Finding him was pretty easy. All you need was to carry some food on you and this little cutie would come to you.

"There you are, Nelson," you muttered as you kneeled down to pick him up. He meowed and tried to get out of your grasps, wanting to go back to his meal.

"Sorry buddy, you can have more when you're back at Cat's Tail. Your owner is pretty worried, y'know."

You brought him back and Margaret was relieved to see him purring contentedly in your arms.

"Oh, you little rascal! Don't you go running off and scare me like that again!" Despite being scolded, Nelson only responded by looking at her with a pair of innocent eyes, effectively striking both of your hearts.

"Thank you so much (Y/n)! Mondstadt needs more people like you honestly, it would make our lives so much easier."

To others, that sentence doesn't mean much. But to you, it means the world.

You nodded your head, as your way of saying "My pleasure." And with that, you went on your merry way.

Time went by pretty fast today, you finished helping people with little tasks and it was already nighttime.

You went to Starsnatch cliff to take a break from the crowded city. The breeze today was gentle. Winds blowing against your face was a pretty relaxing sensation after a day of hard work.

"The wind is pretty nice today, don't you think?" A voice could be heard from behind and it startled you. You turned around and prayed to whoever it was to not hurt you--

"Woah, calm down! I'm just a humble bard. No need to get so alarmed!"

It was a bard in green. You've seen him wandering around the city and playing on his lyre near the church. The songs that he played were always so calming.

"You're a jumpy one, aren't cha- ah- aCHOO!" He let out a sneeze and backed away for a bit.

"Ah- you've been around cats, haven't you?"

"Huh, how did-"

"How did I know? Well, you see, I'm allergic to those furry creatures."

He proceeded to sit down at the edge of the cliff, dangling his feet in the air.

"Come sit down, you came here for a reason, no?" You moved from your spot and sat down next to him as he let out a hearty laugh.

Silence fell upon the both of you. You wanted to say something but didn't want to be awkward. Instead, you gazed at the stars.

"My name is Venti. What's yours, fair lady/gentlmen?"

Taken back from the sudden question, you uttered "(Y/n)."

"(Y/n)..." he repeated.

"That's a really pretty name, ehe!"

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

It has been a month since your first meeting with the bard.

Meeting him at Starsnatch cliff every night has become a regular thing between the both of you.

You were seated on the grass and someone came up to you. You didn't need to turn to know who it was. The two of you have formed a strange yet close bond.

Little words were spoken, and yet, you feel comforted whenever his presence was near.

Today was a little different though.

As usual, the both of you met up on the cliff and just kept each other company. There were barely any clouds in the sky, making the stars shine brighter than ever.

Venti let out a hum as he was thinking of something.

He stood up abruptly and held out a hand.

You looked at his hand with confusion written all over your face.

"Let's dance (Y/n)!"

"But I don't know how to..."

"That's okay, it's pretty simple. Don't worry, I'll guide you."

You stood up and hesitantly took his hand. His hand felt warm. Such a nice feeling.

Slowly, he put your other hand onto his shoulder. And like that, the both you swayed from side to side, with the only audience being the stars in the sky.

You looked at him in the eyes and they were mesmerizing. Behind those green irises, you felt as if you could see through him. After all, eyes are the windows to one's soul.

"In the midst of stars,

I see you twinkle from afar.

I can't seem to fathom though, my dearest,

How you shine the brightest."

The little poem he composed made you giggle. Oh, how you longed to stay like this forever. Feeling such love under his gaze. But for now, you shall enjoy the moment.

"You know, I never thought I would get to experience this feeling, you really are special, hm? Out of every star in the sky, you're the brightest one."

There you two, waltzing into the night and shall dawn grant you a brand new day.


This is the very first fic that I've uploaded on Tumblr and it's kinda old lol. Any feedback is appreciated! ♡

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