No One Said It Was Easy

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"V-I-O-L-E-T, honey it's not this hard." Mrs. Soliz sighed.
"I know how to spell my own name."
"You haven't written anything on your paper!"
"Because I can't."
"Violet, please."

Violet sighed, putting her head down on the table. "I don't wanna do it, can I go?"

"Look, all the other kids have left, you've been here for four hours and haven't done anything."


"He's going to pick you up in five minutes, all you need to do is write it one time."


"Because he will get annoyed if you don't, and I don't want you to get upset when he makes a big deal out of it."

She picked up Violets hand, pushing it against the paper as she shakily helped her write her name.
"Look, that wasn't too hard was it?"

"Why did you help her?"
Violet jumped, turning towards the door as Mrs. Soliz exhaled frightfully.
"She just needed help Laurence, that's all."

Violet grew silent, keeping her head down.

"Violet, let's go."
She ignored him, sitting in the chair as she looked at Mrs. Soliz
"Get up!" He groaned, grabbing her off the chair as he crushed her wrist.
"L-Let go of me!"
"Laurence! Don't!" Mrs. Soliz gasped, watching as Violet tripped over his foot, her back slamming into the floor hard enough to knock the wind out of her as she screamed, and gasped for air.
"You don't get to stay in Mount Weather if you can't follow the rules, do you get that?"
"I-I can't-" Violet wheezed.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" He raised his voice.

The teacher came running over, looking at Violet as she turned blue and started to pass out.

"GET MEDICAL, GET MEDICAL NOW!" She yelled at him.
She practically shoved him out the classroom as she sat in the floor holding Violet up as she hit her back trying to get her to breathe.
"Violet! Look at me!"

"You need to breathe, look at me!"

Violet took a sharp inhale, wheezy at best as the multiple voices all around her merged into one and faded out as she felt her back against the cold floor again, Maya and another woman kneeling next to her.
"Violet? You remember me right?" Mayas voice echoed as she nodded and wheezed.
"Good, this is Dr. Singh, we're only going to help you alright?"
Violet took a sharp inhale, wailing as she saw him coming into the room, hurting herself as the back of her head hit the floor.
"Get him out of here! Now!"
"Violet! Look at me, you need to stay awake! Violet!"

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