I looked up and and suddenly felt nervous. My heart beat rhymed almost the same as clicking of her heels walking towards my table.

She didn't utter any words and just pulled a chair and placed it beside me.

I could feel everybody's stare, confused eyes looking toward us, mouths hanged open.

The room suddenly felt hot and I could feel the heat reaches my cheeks and I know for a fact that my face is flushed, I felt naked in everybody's stare.

I turned my face slowly to the woman occupying the space around me, I felt suffocated yet the room was huge. I know the AC is working but how am I feeling like all the air was sucked out of me?

As soon as my eyes met Alex's, she gave me a smirk and eyed the paper bag that was on the side of my desk which my eyes followed as well.

I suddenly realized what was happening.

You eat it now or I'll come there and watch you till you do. Her message from earlier.

My head turned to her almost immediately, my eyes telling her, you can't be serious?

She seems to get it and blinked both her eyes like telling me, yes I am.

Two minutes had passed with just our eyes talking. The room was in silent, nobody even dares to move an inch, like everybody was scared to break the awkward silence.

Alex cleared her throat not minding the people behind her.

"So?" She said.

"Um.. You're not.. Um.." I stutter.

She eyed again the paper bag and looked back to me.

Not thinking, I grabbed the bag and walked towards Alex's office.

Alex followed me and as soon as we were both inside, I could hear the people outside seemed to finally breathe as movements were almost back to normal.

"What the hell was that??" I asked her with my tone a bit high.

"I mean, what was that?" I rephrased with a much lowered voice when I realized I was talking to my Boss.

She let out a soft laugh before answering me.

"I already told you, didn't I?" Her arms crossed in her chest.

I suddenly felt stupid standing in the middle of her office with the paper bag clenched in my fist.

"Fine!" I sighed in surrender.

I sat in the couch and opened the bag. I put everything in the center table.

Alex sat beside me and leaned her back.

I started eating while she watch me, like literally.

I didn't threw her a single look as I was annoyed yet... happy? Nervous but excited?

What is she doing to me? Giving me all these mixed emotions.

Feelings that I never thought I would ever feel, specially to a woman.

I didn't waste any time and finish my food in no time, I guess her staring helped me eat faster.

"See how easy that was?" Alex mocking me as I start to gather the paperware and put them back in the bag.

I didn't answer her and stood up, I threw the bag in the bin in the corner. I was already at the door and my hand in the doorknob when I remembered something.

My brows furrowed and turned to the girl who was still sitting comfortably at the couch already looking at me, is she watching me?

I was just staring at her still with confuse eyes.

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