Secrets Through Symphonies | Wednesday Addams

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Summary: Wednesday plays for no one. But...that rule has a small exception. And musical conversation is her favourite thing to do with you.

A/n: YOU. ARE. A. PIANIST. IN. THIS. ONE. (Mainly because I play the piano and I know how to explain a piano accompaniment best.)

You were seated in Wednesday's room, writing some sheet music out. You had a power which everyone perceived as useless, but it actually wasn't. You had the power of Symphokinesis, the ability to control music. That alone gave you the peculiar ability to make sheet music so complex, that even the well-trained music teachers were left baffled. Best part was, you could play every piece flawlessly, whether it be your own composition or someone else's.

Yet, you were lonely in your musical advancement. So far, there had been no one who could either understand you or give you a reply in a musical conversation. Until you met her.

Wednesday Addams.

You both began to bond after the Hyde incident and mystery, and it had been only a month, yet you were so close as if you had been childhood best friends.

One day, when the events of the morning and afternoon hadn't transpired how you wanted to, you decided to sneak off to the music room, where your favourite thing was.

The piano.

You pulled out a sheet music and began to play some simple arpeggios, as if the keys were speaking to each other. Suddenly, from the corner of the room came the deep baritone of a cello, which made you look up quizzically.

"Keep playing," said a familiar voice. "You question, I reply."

You nodded and began to play a series of soft notes, which ended in an imperfect cadence, and she played back with slow, thoughtful notes with the perfect dynamics and legatos, ending in the smoothest fifth to first cadence you've ever heard.

You played out another question, and she replied in rapid staccato notes, earning a laugh from your end. You didn't notice your power begin to fill the room with a pleasant smell and the air begin to warp with your ability enhancing the sound waves.

Slowly, the sound began to convert into proper whispered words, which only your ear could decipher and connect.

"Do you love me?" You played out some notes which translated to that question. They were some arpeggios, accompanied by their root chord, giving it a very round-sounding tone.

Her bow froze over the cello's taut strings, and after positioning her fingers the right way, out came a series of arpeggios which made a sound like yours, only they were the fifths of whichever scales you'd been playing.

"More than you could ever know," came her baritone instrument's reply.

Without a word, you got up from your stool and marched over to her, bending down and pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

When you pulled away, you couldn't help but blush at the slight smirk on her lips, before she pulled you down by the collar of your blazer, pressing her lips back onto yours.

"The first kiss was a little too short," she whispered, after you both sat at the piano, her watching you play 'Moonlight Sonata's first movement.

"Well, it was the first one I've ever had," you chuckled.

She simply nodded and hummed, while you continued to play, the lilting music filling the room with melodious admittances.

*sobs in piano* whY iS ThiS sO cuTe OML-

Wednesday Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें