Double Jealousy | Yoko Tanaka, Divina Tommie

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Summary: Your girlfriends get jealous when they see you hanging out with Bianca a little too much.

Note: I'm not too good at writing poly relationships so...bear with me pls?


You laughed as Bianca told you a funny story of when she tried to jump into a pool from a serious height, only to realise how shallow the water was. You didn't notice your girlfriends, Yoko and Divina, glaring at the siren from the next bench.

After class, Divina approached you and put an arm around your waist, smiling, "N/n, can we hang out during lunch today?"

"Baby, I promised Bianca I'd help her with Math," you sighed, kissing her lips gently.

Groaning dramatically, she sighed, "Okay..."

Yoko appeared too, asking, "Our spot after lunch?"

"Can't, darling," you sighed. "Tutoring Bianca."

You didn't notice their subtle jealousy, and continued walking to your next class.

At the end of the day, you entered your dorm room, where you found your girlfriends sitting on the bed and whispering about something.

You laughed, "Looks like someone's jealous," walking over to both of them and sitting on the bed with them.

"What makes you think we're jealous?" Frowned Divina, laying her head on your lap.

"The pissed-off look Yoko's giving me as well as that cute little glare on your face shows," you chuckled, bending down and kissing her forehead, as Yoko moved over to press soft kisses to your neck.

"You've been spending so much time with Bianca," admitted Divina.

"Yeah, but you know I'm always yours," you chuckled, leaning into Yoko's touch.

"As it should be," the vampire whispered, kissing your cheek lovingly.

"You guys are so petty," you giggled.

"You love it though!" Laughed Divina, reaching her hands up to pinch your cheeks.

So, that evening was spent in tons of cuddles and laughter, which you loved just as much as you loved them.

*sobs again* sO bAd bUt sO cuTe-

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