I pulled the scale out from under the sink and took everything out of my pockets. I stood on it, watching the numbers fluctuate on and off for a few seconds before finally settling.

119 lbs

About 53 or 54 kg

I think that's the lightest I've been since middle school

Maybe even elementary

That's good, right?

I pushed it back under the sink and turned the lights off, wandering back into the bedroom. I wanted Todoroki to think I was still napping, so I kept my footsteps light as I walked over to my bag and took out a fresh carton of cigarettes.

Just one

Then I'll go out there

Besides, it's smells like food out there

And if I passed out at lunch

Then it's probably around dinnertime now

I should try to skip that if possible

I lit a cigarette and let it rest in my lips as I silently opened the window across the room. The last thing I wanted was for him to smell it. Then he'd definitely know I was awake.

On the other hand, if Aizawa was home, he already knew I was awake. He'd probably heard my footsteps already, despite how quiet they were. It's his job to know his surroundings, and I'd stayed here long enough for him to catch onto my habits. What's worse is, I know he's not afraid to confront me, so I needed to finish the cigarette as quickly as possible.

I hated confrontation, and it's even worse when Todoroki is here. Chances are, he probably won't sugarcoat it just because Todoroki is around. If he figures out that I'm still smoking, he'll call me out.

As I finished the cigarette, I threw the burnt remains out the window with a sigh. I really wanted another one, but I knew I needed to go talk to Todoroki.

I need to apologize for being distant lately

I can't lie about being sick forever

I've taken long "naps" like this for the past couple of days now

I'm sure he'll call a doctor soon if he still thinks it's because I'm sick

That would be bad

I hid the carton of cigarettes in my bag again and sighed, turning to exit the room. However, just as I was about to leave, I felt a cough rising in my throat.

Backing away from the door, and trying to muffle it as much as possible, I cleared my throat. I thought that was it, but I coughed again--this time a bit more aggressively.

I can't have a coughing fit right now

They'll know I'm awake

And if I go out there, they'll be concerned

I went into the bathroom and covered my mouth with my arm to try and stop the sound, but it didn't help too much. I was coughing violently and painfully, to the point where my eyes teared up. It felt like I was going to puke, but I didn't.

I kept thinking it was over, but everytime I would just keep coughing. I heaved to the point where I collapsed on my knees, my head light as my ears began to ring.

It's hardly ever this bad

Why now?

I fell on my side and curled up in a ball, coughing uncontrollably as pain overwhelmed my chest. I didn't care about the noise anymore. I just wanted it to stop. I was in so much pain, tears were running down my face as I clutched my chest. I couldn't breathe, and my head was spinning.

Empty ---- Suicidal Todoroki x ED Bakugo ---- [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now