Chapter 1

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Tris' POV


This is not good. In fact, it's bad. Very bad.

Here I was, in Christina's apartment, blubbering on about nausea and fatigue, and a rather odd infatuation for strawberry jam, when she put her hand up and I fell silent instantly.

"Oh my gosh, Tris! Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?!"


"Um...Chris...what are you talking about?" I asked, biting my lip.

"You're not pregnant?"

"What? Where is this coming from?"

"C'mon, Tris, it's obvious!" She sounded exasperated.

My eyes widened as I realised she was probably right, and I could barely breathe.

"You should go and do a test." Christina stood up and pulled me off her couch. "I'll come to the shop with you, but this is probably something you need to do on your own."

So here I am now, sitting on the bathroom floor of the apartment Tobias and I share, clutching a positive pregnancy test, and my mind is racing. How long have I been pregnant for? What if I've done something wrong? I know Tobias and I have talked about children, but is this too early? Aren't we too young? What will he say?


Tobias' POV


Finally, home. A wave of relief rushes over me, I finally get to see Tris and relax after a long day in the control room. Speaking of Tris...

"Tris?" I call out.


Tris' POV


Oh no.


Tobias' POV


"Tris are you home?" I start to look around when she stumbles out of the bathroom.

"Tris, are you okay?" I ask, confused.

"Hmm?" She sounds distracted. "Oh! Yes I'm fine, just feeling a bit tired," she smiles reassuringly at me. "How was your day?"

I shake any worrying thoughts from my head. "Long. Boring. Had to stop another group of kids fighting over chocolate cake. You?"

She runs her fingers through her hair. "Not bad, I went to see Christina but mainly just hung out here all day."

I can't help but she notice she looks...I don't Like something's not quite right, but I can't put a finger on it. She looks flushed, and I come and press my hand to her forehead. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"


Tris' POV


Please stop asking questions. Nothing to see here...


Tobias' POV


" just seemed a bit red or something."

"You must be imagining things." She comes up and wraps her arms around my waist, setting her chin on my chest and looking up at me. I bend down and kiss her temple.

"Okay, now I have a reason to be red," she smirks.

I laugh and press my lips to hers.

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