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.    ༄.    Stella carefully threw her blanket back and got out of bed as quiet as possible. Happy had finally agreed taking stronger meds to ease the pain after she almost begged him to do so, and now he was sleeping like a rock⸻ just like Abel who slept in the middle of the bed.

Knowing Happy tried to hide the pain he felt, she knew that he only did that to seem all tough, no emotions and all that stuff they thought was uncool. Sometimes it was hard to understand men. Who wouldn't be in pain after getting shot twice? It would be a wonder if he wouldn't be in pain at all.

But what she also knew was that he did it for her. The last thing he wanted was her to worry about him, which was impossible anyway. Now that he pulled through and the fever didn't came back she was relieved, yes, but still worried that he wouldn't listen to Tara and rest enough. Or that the wounds would get infected again, it was possible though.

After a quick shower, she did a little bit more make up today and dried her hair only to straighten it afterwards so it ended just above her hips. The raven haired woman tip toed out of the bathroom and put on some fresh clothes. Since she wasn't going anywhere the next days she decided to go with her comfortable clothes and slipped into a pair of black leggings and one of Happy's grey shirts. It definitely wasn't her colour but she found comfort in wearing his shirts.

Once she was finished, she walked over to the bed and carefully kissed the corner of Happy's mouth and Abel's forehead before leaving their room to get some coffee. Sometimes she felt guilty for still drinking it while being pregnant but even Tara, a doctor, assured her that one cup of coffee won't do anything to the baby. During the pregnancy she just felt so tired sometimes that coffee was the only thing keeping her awake.

“Oh, don't hide that beautiful baby bump, sweetheart”, Maria's voice filled the small kitchen. As always, she sounded cheerful and happy. Stella was sure by now there wasn't much that could change that woman's mood, which wasn't a bad thing at all.

“I can't even hide it anymore. Not that I want to though”, Stella replied with a proud smile and gently ran a hand over her stomach. Not even Happy's shirt was able to hide her bump anymore. “Wanna feel? She's moving.”

“Really? You don't mind?”, Maria beamed with excitement as she waited for an answer.

“No, go on”, Stella assured her, waving her closer.

Maria put both of her hands on each side of Stella's stomach to make sure she wouldn't miss her grandchild moving around. The last time she had experienced this was when she was pregnant with Happy. It was forty-one years ago but she remembered it like it was only yesterday.

“Oh, she's a strong one”, the older woman laughed softly as she felt the baby kick against her hand. “Have you thought about a name yet?”

“Yeah, she is. Little bug in there is a night owl, without a doubt. Then she's giving everything again in the morning and the rest of the day I don't feel her much at all anymore. Starts again once I found a comfortable position in bed”, she explained with a chuckle before shaking her head. “No, not yet. We took care of literally everything but we haven't discussed names yet. You have a few in mind?”

Stella watched Maria's face lit up at her question. She knew how excited Happy's mother was about their baby. Due to her MS, she couldn't know for how long she would be in this world at all. One time a few months ago when Stella visited her in the nursing home, Maria opened up to her how scared she was about dying too early. After she heard about her son being in an actual relationship she had hope again to become a grandma one day⸻ that was something she didn't want to miss.

“Yes, I know a few beautiful names for a girl. Come on, we sit down, you get some breakfast and then we can talk about it”, Maria smiled and hushed the young woman out of the kitchen, not giving her a chance to start an argument about the older woman making breakfast all by herself.

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