Ben 10 Deku Part 2

Start from the beginning

          "Kac-chan, its go-od to see y-you," he said before passing out on the ground.

Some time later All Might POV:

          I was standing there looking at the little grey frog thing that was that Four- armed guy. I was in my weakened form just watching over his little sleeping form. It was around then that Tsukauchi my detective friend walked up to me after gathering statements from many of the students.

          "So what's your take on this guy Toshi?" he asked me. 

          "I honestly don't know but I think I damaged something important for him to control what form he might take." I said.

          "Let's see I remember someone quoting one of the escapees," he said flipping through his notes. "Ah here it is 'the tall pale green man said 'not the stabilizing matrix!' so yeah it would seem you damaged it some how." he walked over to the sleeping thing and looked at its back, "This what you hit?" 

          I walked over to see a raised hexagon with an odd jagged design cutting through the center kind of resembling a mouth.

          I walked over to see a raised hexagon with an odd jagged design cutting through the center kind of resembling a mouth

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          Tsukauchi went to touch it but his hand was slapped away by the little guy raising a grey hand. "Don't touch that you lot have done quite enough to it already!" He shouted at us as he held his head standing up. 

          "What is that thing on your back?" Tsukauchi asked him. 

          "Get me some pain killers so I can think straight and maybe I can explain," It said.  then began to move and climb up the cloths of Tsukauchi finally stopping on his shoulder.

          "What are you doing on my shoulder?" he asked.

          "You are about 14.2 times my body size either I ride up here or in you pocket to get up those stairs cause I ain't climbing all of them." He explained. "Now you have questions for me and I have some requests for later so come on lets get to your police station or whatever and get this over with." 

--- Just thought I should say when writing the lines for Galvin Deku here I imagine Azmuth from secret of the omnitrix. --- 

--- in case you all need a refresher ---

Timeskip to the station

          We had him in a questioning room and asked him to explain what he knows of the villains and their whereabouts. 

          "I don't know where their hideout is," he said. "Whenever me and Kyber went out for testing we used the warp gate guy." 

          "What about the multitude of quirks you seem to possess?" Tsukauchi asked. 

          "I don't really poses multiple quirks," he said hopping onto his cup and dunking his head to take a drink of water. "They have a tenuous relationship with the Doctor that made me, he has a crab like appearance and can expose his brain. He also has the ability or seeming ability to use electricity. He took my DNA and combined it with a multitude of genetic samples he got from I don't know where. As a result of his 'perfect experiment' with me nearly ending with my body reduced to a primordial body of goo, he used what remained from some scraped project at one point to allow my form to stabilize. He then began work on the thing you broke, so I could choose my form at will or when ordered to." 

          I leaned in and asked Tsukauchi "Did you understand any of that?" 

          "Parts of it," he told me. "So it sounds like you weren't a willing participant?" 

          "No I was kidnapped when I was eight," the grey frog said. "He picked me specifically because I am quirkless or at least that is what I recall him saying at one point or another. Any thing I did under his care I did for survival purposes and to avoid pain."  

          "Were there any others?" I asked him. 

          "If I recall there were two others brought in after me," he said hand on his chin trying to remember. "I don't recall their features very well unfortunately." 

          "Okay enough of that for now, how old are you?" Tsukauchi asked him. 

          "What year and month is it?" he asked. 

          "2XXX, June." I said. 

          "Then I should be or nearing 18." he said. 

          "Your high school age," Tsukauchi said. "Who are you maybe we have a missing person file on you?" 

          "I am Midoriya Izuku," he said standing up a bit. "I was once friends with Bakugou Katsuki." 

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