Chapter 3: Heated Confusion

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A few hours later, Jude awoken to find himself behind bars in a rather spacious and comfy cell. The only way he knew that he was in some type of prison was the bars on the door and the fact that he was in cuff and shackles, everything else in his cell looked top of the line and comfortable. Jude looked up at the camera in the corner and said "hello... anyone there?...why am I here?...I wish to speak with the warden". After a few minutes, Jude hears footsteps and the door unlock and open as a familiar face walked was Ms. Camilla from the office". He smiled and said, "Ms. Camilla, thank god you're here, maybe you can get me out".

Lily smiled and said "my name is not Camilla and hell no, you're never getting out of here". He sighed and said "what? Why? and she smiled and said "I followed you home yesterday to see if you connected the dots to what happened yesterday and unfortunately you did so I can never let you go". Jude looked at her and said "I don't know what you're talking about, I never suspected you of anything...I just wanted to maybe ask you on a date or two since you're really pretty".

Lily blushed and said, "enough! when I come back you best tell me everything you know or I'm going to have to make you squeal like a bug". Jude giggles before Lily turns around and pulls out a 9mm pistol and presses it to his forehead and says "think I'm playing, I'll take you out right now...You'll just be another name on my list of many so don't piss me off. Lily smiled and said, "I got golden hair but I also got golden you want one of em'?".

Jude frantically shook his head no before she lowered the gun walked out the door and said "don't fuck with me then, get your act straight by the time I come back down here". Jude was still feeling exhausted from work so he decided to crawl into the comfy looking bed and rest since the clock read: 3 Am. Jude was shaken by Lily's outbursts but somehow he felt a sense of safety, figuring that if she wanted him dead she would've done that instead of wasting her time bringing him here. When Jude woke up, the clock read 8 Am...he was surprised he slept that long, especially in handcuffs.

Two hours later, Lily arrived with a giant machine on a cart, a plate of food, and her pistol. She said, "eat up and then we'll get started". She watched him eat the plate of leftover meatloaf before finally setting it aside and hooking him up to the giant polygraph machine she has brought in on a cart. Lily sighed and said, "in case you're stupid, this is a polygraph machine, answer every question honestly or I put a bullet right between your it?". Jude nodded and said "yes ma'am before she turned on the machine and prepared to ask the questions. She looked at him and said "question one: are you a fed?" and he said no the machine blinked green.

She asked: did you suspect that I murdered him?" And Jude said "I don't know" and the machine blinked green. This continued on for the next hour until she asked him the final question and it was doozie. Lily frowned and said "why were you looking up my license plates on your not lie". Jude froze and gulped as he prepared to give his answer. He sighed and said "I wanted to find you and clear your name because I still didn't want to believe that a beautiful woman like you could be an assassin". Lily grinned and said, "what would you have done when you found out I was the murderer?" He sighed and said" I didn't think that far ahead" and the machine blinked green. Jude was nervous as she read the results but breathed a sigh of relief as she nodded and holstered her pistol.

Lily quickly took her equipment out of the room and scurried upstairs. The rest of the day, Lily contemplates what to do about Jude...she talks about killing him but Deep down she hates spilling innocent blood. Ever since "the accident" on two of her missions she's been more careful and considerate of her surroundings until now. By nightfall, she came up with several options: "blackmail and frame him to keep him quiet, keep him as her pet, brainwash him until he becomes a mindless slave, or even sell him to human traffickers, etc.

Just the thought of those options really bothered her so she decided to stop looking for alternatives and just go with her gut and it was telling her to lose this problem. After eating breakfast, Lily headed down to the prison in her command center, with a gun in her hand and a sense of determination.

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