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Ah... Yes it was the boy, he couldn't forget that freckled baby face.
He put away his sword and bent down to touch the boy's wounds earning a small whimper.
He lifted the boy slowly and placed him on his shoulders.
He began to walk back to where he was a few seconds ago and entered the small hut that was there.
He opened the door cursing because of the dust that jumped out.
He entered and threw Izuku on the bed, he took a big breath of air before regaining his composure.
He opened a small bag labeled 'first aid kit'.
He took out some implements such as gauze and bandages.
He began to remove Izuku's shirt along with his pants.
"Damn" He didn't know anything about medicine even though he is the next to the throne.
He started to clean the wounds slowly putting bandages.
He scratched his head, he had to get back to the castle, he couldn't let him die or well maybe.
He would have to hold on until he got to the castle
He picked Izuku back up on his shoulders, opened the door and began to run
The road was long damn it
Izuku weighed little but that didn't mean he didn't weigh something
He took slow steps until he made it to the castle after a long time
The gate was not lifted "OH COME ON! OLD WITCH!" he kicked the grating "I HAVE A INJURED PERSON!"
The grille opened and Katsuki walked in, there he found Recovery Girl and his mother waiting
"Young Bakugō!" Recovery Girl spoke "Let's go inside" Mitsuki said as they walked towards the infirmary.
When they reached their destination, Katsuki left Izuku on a stretcher "shoo! Out!" Recovery Girl pulled Katsuki out of the infirmary with her staff.
After a few minutes Recovery Girl came out with Mitsuki.
"The boy is stable now" RG spoke.
Mitsuki walked up to Katsuki and hit his  head "Hey hey! What did you do to the kid!" She scolded him "I didn't do anything to him!" Mitsuki wrapped her arm around Katsuki's neck and started scratching his head "Then those bullet wounds?"
"I found him like that!" Mitsuki smiled sacrastically and dragged Katsuki inside the infirmary.
Izuku was just waking up, when he opened his eyelids, he took a big breath of air
"Careful boy!" Recovery girl came over and helped him up "W-what?!" Izuku was startled "Who are you guys?"
"Easy boy" Mitsuki patted him on the back "Hey what's your name?" RG asked "I-I'm ..... I'm Midoriya Izuku" He spoke with a bit of nervousness.
"Midoriya?" Mitsuki raised an eyebrow "Hey could I talk to you?" Izuku raised his gaze "Isn't that the last name of that young green haired girl you were talking so much about?" RG spoke "Y-You mean my mother..?" Izuku muttered, Mitsuki grabbed his shoulders "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Izuku was startled.
Katsuki frowned, Midoriya was Aunt Inko's last name, this boy was supposed to be her son?
He sank into his thoughts "HOW SO WHAT DID SHE DIE?!" he startled.
"I-They invaded our village and..... They burned down our house" It was worthless now, it didn't matter if he was giving this information to unknown people, he knew that whether or not he was most likely going to die.
Suddenly Mitsuki hugged him, Izuku didn't know what to do "I knew your mother for as long as I can remember" He spoke appearing to Izuku "Then I'm going to take care of you as if you were my own son"
Katsuki was startled "OLD WITCH WTF?"
"YOU SHUT UP KATSUKI!" Mitsuki cleared her throat "Chiyo, where did you leave his  clothes?" RG pointed to a bag "It will go with the biological remains since it has no salvation" Mitsuki walked to the bag and opened it.
She inspected the clothes carefully as they were full of blood "It's torn and full of specks" She muttered "We'll start by making you a new outfit" She smiled.
The other morning....
Izuku was directed to a room where it smelled of fabrics, he could see some fabrics falling from racks, there were dresses and clothes hanging on mannequins
"Bonjour!" he startled "Oh Je suis désolé" Izuku looked at the boy in front of him "Queen Mitsuki said to make you a new outfit, Merveilleux!" The boy grabbed Izuku by the arm "I'm sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Aoyama Yuga!" before Izuku could utter a word, he was placed on top of a dais "You're going to have the finest fabrics" Aoyama started measuring his body "Fine fabrics?"Izuku asked "Oui, they showed me what you were wearing, what a bad fabric!" he continued passing the meter by Izuku "We are also going to change your outfit!" Izuku stepped back a bit "W-what do you mean?" He said somewhat startled "Your previous outfit was too normal, so we'll create a new one for you."
"P-please could you leave the old one, it's j-just...... My mother created it" Aoyama looked at him and smiled "Oui, would you let us make some changes? "Aoyama asked" U-um yes"
Suddenly Izuku was wrapped in cloth "Eh?"
"This cloth won't absorb the heat of the sun" He took out a chalk and started to trace.
Aoyama grabbed a sheet and began to write down the measurements
Izuku stifled a small yawn that was trying to come out of his mouth, he had slept through the night yet he was always going to be tired during the day
When Aoyama finished writing, he took off his jacket and put it on Izuku's shoulders "Huh?"
"I don't want you to catch a cold" Aoyama said.
Katsuki was sitting with his mother
"His mother is dead" Mitsuki said "What does aunt Inko have to do with his mother?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow "Inko had a son and it's him"
"If she had a son why didn't you ever introduce him?" He was trying not to yell at his mother "Is it because he was too young?"
"SO WHAT?" Katsuki stood up from his chair "They are not human" She whispered "Neither Izuku nor Inko are human"
"THEN WHAT ARE THEY? ALIENS? RATS?" Mitsuki stood up and slapped Katsuki "Stop shouting brat" Katsuki was silent, he had never seen his mother so serious before
"They're vampires."

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