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"Food. It's hard to walk into a shop without having someone scream and call the cops on ya,," Y/N spoke and Cole cocked an eyebrow, "But,,,you're an Oni? Can't you shapeshift into...well anything?" He asked and the Oni nods, "Some can,,,but I'm at a young age,,,I am unable to transform like other Oni,,not experienced some say,,a late bloomer?"

"How about you come back with me? I can get you some food?" Cole honestly had no idea what he was talking about. Taking back an Oni to the Monastery? How will the others react?

Y/N has yet to show any form of destruction...they're just a lost puppy living in the streets of Ninjago.

This caused Y/N to smile brightly, which was not seen much from an Oni, and Cole smiled back when the Oni started to stand up straight and stretched.

"How can something that was born to be evil be so cute and adorable at the same time?" Cole thought to himself as he chuckled to himself watching as you spun around, ready to leave and eat some food.

"Now how am I going to tell the others?" Cole chuckled nervously to himself.

Kai heard many stories about the Oni. How destructive they are. How they do not care for any other than destruction, he would have never thought to meet an actual Oni and the first thing he sees is it hiding in the corner of the Oni stronghold.

He, Faith, Jay, Zane, Master Wu, and Cole enter the Oni stronghold with caution, unsure of what lies ahead. More Oni?

Entering the stronghold, it was dark and cold,,like nobody has been there for ages.

"Wherever they are, they haven't lived here for centuries," Zane spoke, looking around the dark area.

¨Where did they go?"Jay asked until Faith cuts him off.

"That lair!" Faith shouts, "All this time, he lied to us. It was just a story, made up!

"Uh, What are you talking about?" Kai questioned, motioning his sword to Faith.?

"Iron Baron. He made us believe this was Oni land. No one has ever seen because look around!" Faith shouts, "They're all gone!"

While Faith had her mini rage tantrum,,Kai heard something clutter in the distance. The others were busy trying to keep Faith calm, stopping her from slapping Master Wu for lying to her so Kai was the only who heard the noise.

He slowly made his way toward the noise. It was only a few feet away from where they were, so he didn't want far.

He suddenly saw a shadow figure emerge from the shadows and he dropped his sword and gasped when he saw who, or what, the shadow was.

It,,was an Oni,,but it looked like a child. Its skin was a dark black color, like the night sky and its eyes were a bright purple. It's horns stuck out from its forehead and it had long/short poofy black hair that tangled with it.

It seemed to be biting a rusty metal rod, unaware of the diseases it could be holding.

"F–Faith?" Kai stuttered, grabbing the attention of the Dragon Hunyer and the other Ninja, including Wu.

Faith gasped softly, seeing the size of this so-called 'Oni'. Zane was able to scan the creature as it stared at the group. "This creature doesn't seem to appear in any of my databanks,," Zane trailed off, watching as the creature played with its tail.

"Is that–" Cole began

"An Oni–" Faith finished, taking out her weapon and making her way toward the Oni. It seemed to be scared because it soon curdled up into a small ball and whispered. Kai noticed this and stops the girl, causing her to look at him with an angry expression.

He ignores's Faiths cries and screams and just walks past her, his eyes locked with the ni's purple ones.

"Hey,,hey, it's alright. none of us is gonna hurt ya." Kai speaks softly, kneeling down and opening his arms, smiling fondly at the Oni who seemed harmless.

The Oni's eyes looked back at Faith and others, then back to Kai. Slowly they made their way towards him, nuzzling into his arm as he cuddled them in his arms, picking them up with ease. The others were left speechless watching the scene unfold.

"How can something so dangerous be so cute?" Kai mentally spoke to himself, seeing the Oni snuggle its face into his neck.

Lloyd had some little knowledge of Oni and all he and the other Ninja knew was they were made for destruction and nothing more. Thatś is what he thought until he met Mystake. She, herself, was an Oni.

Lloyd was unfazed by Oni because his father was Oni, which makes him part of Oni as well but he didn't show any of the features of Onis. Mystake doesn't either, but that's because she shapeshifts, unlike him.

This takes place after Mystake,,,

Lloyd, Skylor, Nya, and Dareth were at the top of a building. Skylor recently was able to touch Garmadon's arm, absorbing his powers to control the Cyclops that destroyed the city piece by piece.

As Skylor was getting the hang of Garmadon's power, Lloyd couldn't help but get the feeling they were being watched. At first, his mind thought of Harumi but when he turned his head the last thing he didn't expect to see was a black blob hiding behind the entrance of the staircase of the building's rooftop.

It noticed Lloy'd gaze and started to run, sliding down the fire escape and down to the ground. Unsure of what to do, he followed close behind and followed the figure's actions.

He followed the shadow to a dead end by the building the two were currently at. Lloyd was finally able to get a picture of the creature as he skid to a stop, just in front of it.

It got into a cat-fighting pose and held a small, long rusty nail in its mouth,,,apparently trying to use that as a weapon to defend itself.

It was,,Oni?

This Oni seemed to be much smaller than the others he'd heard about. If this Oni wanted to kill this Ninja, it already would have in less than two seconds.

The Oni grunts as it sends its nail flying toward Lloyd but the Gren Ninja catches it with his two index and middle finger, not taking his eyes off the Oni.

Its purple eyes widen as it huddles itself into the corner of the ally, unsure of what to do. It seemed to be lost and frightened. Its skin had visible goosebumps you could see a mile away.

Lloyd,,,felt bad for it. It doesn't seem to want to destroy,,just survive?

"Hey,," He spoke softly, kneeling down and smiling softly, "My name is Lloyd. Do you have a name?"

The Oni paused,,,confused why he isn't trying to kill them even though they threw a rusty nail at him.

The moment was silent for a moment before the Oni spoke in a hushed tone, "Y/N,,,"

The Oni soon got comfortable and came out from its hiding position, slowly making its way toward the Green Ninja. Once it reaches him, Lloyd felt his heart melt at the scene. The Oni's horns were long and shiny, it's skin smooth with the markings fitting in all the right places.

"Why didn't Mystake say baby Oni can be this cute?!"

ahahaha i'm so sleepy :| this sucks ass none of this makes sense

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