A Date? No..

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Enid's Thoughts:

Enid had spent all of yesterday going over how to handle her new Found wolf abilities. What she did not figure out was who her mate was.

It had kept her awake into the early morning, that is, until she once again snuck into Wednesday's room. She joined the raven in her bed and was instantly lulled into sleep. She thought nothing of it, just knew she trusted the shorter girl to protect her.

The same she hoped was true for her best friend because it was true. She'd risk her own life to save her. Both girls were silently aware of this fact, yet neither mentioned it. They just weren't ready.

Enid was already awake. She was mostly just enjoying the feeling of the slightly cold to the touch girl in her arms. Wednesday was always less cold in the mornings than she was at night. Maybe they were transferring warmth because Enid always woke up just a little chilly.

She had even started sleeping in her snood just for the occasion. She would rather be cold cuddling Wednesday than hot anywhere else. Enid brushed at her own thought. Sure, friends could cuddle, her and Yoko used to cuddle all the time. But Enid knew friends don't think about each other the way she thinks about Wednesday.

She pushed that aside, though. Besides, she had a mate around her already. She just had to figure out who.

Enid sensed Wednesday's breathing began to change, and she was out of bed within seconds. She has also learned about werewolf speed. So far, it was handy.

Thing taped at her from hus spot in the drawer, annoyed at the sudden disturbance. Enid knew she couldn't let Wednesday see them cuddling, though. It would for sure make the shorter girl stop allowing her into her room, and Enid couldn't bear that.

So she shuffled off to the bathroom, she'd brush her teeth and fix her crazy hair, by that time Wednesday would already be up. That's how every morning went, Enid found a nice peace within the routine they began. She never wanted it to end.

Just as she had thought, Wednesday was already dressed for the day, wearing her signature white and black sweater. Enid would never tell her, not now, but that sweater was her absolute favorite.

"Enid, would you like to accompany me on a walk in the forest today?" Wednesday asked her as she exited the bathroom. Enid hesitated, only because she saw the unsure expression on the other girls face.

She was worried that Wednesday was pushing herself to spend time with her. She didn't want her to feel forced to do anything for Enid. She was already doing way more than anyone had.

Enid's thoughts drifted off to the night she told Wednesday she deserved to be alone, wondering if this was Wednesday's way of trying to be a better friend. But they were past that now, so maybe she was overthinking this.

"Yes, of course!!" Enid rushed a response as soon as Wednesday's face started to close off all emotion, almost like she was feeling rejected by Enid's non-response.

"You do not have to if you do not wish to. If you would rather stay inside and talk to Yoko or whoever is fine too." Wednesday said, finally looking at Enid, something sparked behind Wednesday's eyes as she spoke about Yoko. Enid couldn't quite place it, though.

"I would love to join you, Weds, honestly!" Enid was practically bouncing in excitement now. She was ready to run outside, tired after being in the house all day yesterday.

What could she say? She was a werewolf. She always had extra energy to run off. Although she hated when Yoko called her a golden retriever, she was kind of right.

"Okay, I will get things ready for us. Thing, let's move." Wednesday snapped at the hand who instantly jumped on to her shoulder. They walked out without another word.

And then Enid's thoughts began to race. Had Wednesday just asked her on a date?

Enid walked to her room in a daze, instantly texting Yoko as she got inside.


Goldie: Yoko! OMG, I think Wednesday just asked me out?? On a date date maybe possibly?!

Blahblahblah: Girl, what?! There's no way.

Goldie: we are going out to the forest together!!

Blahblahblah: Maybe she's trying to lure you into a trap??

Goldie: You are so unhelpful!

Blahblahblah: Okay, okay, did she call it a date?

Goldie: No, but she's been so much nicer lately. She only threatens me like once a day.

Blahblahblah: Wow, she's going soft. Come on, Enid, being less threatening doesn't mean anything.

Goldie: Fine, but what do you think it means?!

Blahblahblah: Maybe she just likes the woods, or she knows you like walks?

Goldie: I do not like walks. My God, Yoko!

Blahblahblah: Stop denying the wolf instincts! Go get the girl! Fetch a stick! I dont know.


Enid threw her phone on the bed. She could not deal with her best friend sometimes. She had an.. outing to get ready for anyway.

So she pushed the thoughts away, got into the shower, and cleaned off all her anxiety. After her shower, she dressed in her heart sweater, wanting to almost match Wednesday's sweater.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, both admiring and despising the scars across her face. She contemplated covering them for a moment, but she was going out with Wednesday. A girl who wore battle scara like a trophy. With one final breath, she left the bathroom and her room.

"Ready?" Wednesday asked, she sounded almost nervous? Enid almost laughed at herself. Wednesday was never nervous.

"Always." Enid said, she herself felt the growing nerves inside of her. But she pushed out a real smile, one only for Wednesday.

Then she saw it, the corners of Wednesday's mouth almost turning upward. Her smile only grew. Maybe something was going to happen tonight.

"Shall we?" Wednesday opened the door and gestured for Enid to exit first. Such an almost flirty move.

(A/N Two uploads in one day what's uppppppp. What's gonna happen? Is it a date? Hm...)

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