Ch 2: First Day

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Claire's POV: 

Today is my first day at a new school in another brand-new city. My parents are military so we move a lot. I also learned how to be independent young. I checked the clock and noticed I had about thirty minutes before I needed to get to school so I grabbed my bag and made my way to my car. I got in my car and put in the school's address. According to my phone school was about twenty minutes away. 

I finally got to school and made my way to the office. As I made my way, I noticed a lot of people staring at me. I know Im new but I'm not that excited so why everyone's looking is beyond me. Once I got to the office I told the secretary who I was and she gave me a folder full of everything I need to know. I made my way to my locker. The secretary told me all my books should already be in there. When I got to my locker I opened it and started grabbing the books I'll need. I looked at the map of the school and I'd never seen such a poorly drawn-up map. I noticed the girl at the locker next to me was getting ready to leave so I decided I'd just ask her before she left. 

"Excuse me."

"Look. I'm not giving you my brother's number. I'm not telling you which one is single. I will not introduce you to them. I will show your picture to them. And no you can't offer me anything to get an article of their clothes. That's just weird and frankly kinda psycho so maybe you should see a psychologist if you feel you need some of their clothes." I'm kinda taken aback. I've never met someone who has been used so much that they already have a speech prepared on the first day of school. I kinda feel bad for her. I couldn't imagine how it must feel to be used for family.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I wasn't planning on asking about your brother or brothers. I just transferred here and was hoping you could tell me where room 189 is. I believe it's Italian with Mr. DiNozzo?" 

"I'm so sorry. It's just I'm so used to all the girls trying to get with my brother and it's just become a second-nature response. You probably think I'm a little insane and I completely understand. For what it's worth though, I also have Mr. DiNozzo so you can just follow me."

"Okay thank you. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry people try to use you for your brothers. That's gotta cause some trust issues." I hope she knows I truly am sorry. I couldn't imagine being used to getting to family members.

"Thanks for being so understanding. Are you done at your locker? I was just about to head to class."  

"Ya lead the way. Oh and I'm Claire."

"I'm Isabella. It's nice to meet you." We walk through the halls and chat a little bit before we get to class. When we get to class, I look around the room and it looks like it's just sitting wherever, so I sit next to Isabella. 

"Is this seat taken?" She looks at me kinda shocked but shakes her head no. I sit down and we continue our conversation until Mr. DiNozzo walks in. 

Mr. DiNozzo walks over to his desk and grabs some papers. While he's handing out papers, I ask Isabella for her schedule. Turns out we have four classes together. 

"Hey Isabella, would it be okay if we walk to the next class together too? I noticed we have that class together too." 

"Ya, that sounds fun." Mr. DiNozzo finished handing out the papers and then began the first day of school spiel. 

*30 minutes later* bell rings

As the bell rings, I put the papers in my bag and go to get up. I look over to see if Isabella is ready to go and she already has her bag on her back. I walk over to her and smile. While we're making our way over to class, we chat a little and get to know each other more. We have Italian, history, calculus, and advanced microbiology together. We also had lunch together and she said it would be okay if we sat together, which I was extremely appreciative about. I have always hated having to figure out where to sit the first day during lunch. 

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