Ch 1: Trust Issues

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Isabella POV: 

It's the first day of my senior year and I just finished getting ready for school. I made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. My whole family always has breakfast together. My dad has made it a rule. He wants to see us all at least once throughout the day. It's his way of making sure we're all close. I walked into the dining room and take my seat. My brothers are already sitting and it looks like I was the last one to arrive. 

"Hi sweetie, we were waiting for you." My dad says as he begins to put food on his plate. 

"Hi dad, do you have a busy day today?" I grabbed some fruit from the table. 

"Unfortunately sweetie. One of the boys will have to take you to school and pick you up." I couldn't help but sigh. I love my brothers I do. It's just whenever they pick me up, it causes problems. Pretty much all the girls at my school have tried to use me at least once to get to one of my brothers. My four older brothers were the school's hottest guys in school and most of the girls in school would still say they're the hottest guys. Even though every girl wanted my brothers, they didn't show any of them any attention. Two of my older brothers have been in extremely committed relationships since they were sixteen. I don't think I've ever seen people so in love before, well other than my parents. My dad stares at my mom like she's the reason his heart beats. I hope one day to find love like that.

"Dad, I could just drive myself. I'm a senior. I don't need you guys to take me to and from school." 

"I know you're grown up but it's a tradition. Even your brother's got taken to and from school their first days." I just sigh and nod. There's no point in arguing. My dad always gets his way. 

"Yes, dad." Everyone had their plates full of food. I can't believe how much food my brothers and dad eat. They should be gigantic. Everyone was looking at my dad to take the first bite so we could eat. My dad looked over everyone and then took a bite of his food. We all dug in. 

I finished my breakfast and then looked at the clock. I had about twenty minutes before I had to get to school. I could get there earlier but there's no point. I don't have any girlfriends and all the guys at school won't even look at me in fear of my brothers. So I tend to wait until the bell rings before I get there. I walked over to my bag and just checked to make sure I have everything. And then I went back to the dining room to see who is taking me. My brother, Zach gets up from the table and I follow him to the garage. We get into the car and he starts driving me to school. 

"Are you excited for your last first day?" I know he has good intentions but I don't think he realizes how much having them for brothers has affected me. I put a fake smile on and turn to face him. 

"Ya. It'll be amazing. Just one more year and I'll be done for good." Zach quickly takes his eyes off the road and looks over at me. 

"Want to try again?" I don't know how but they always know when I'm lying. 

"I just want to get this year over so I can go to college. Maybe then I'll be able to make some real friends." At this, Zach pulls the car over and puts it in park. He then turns so we're now talking face to face. 

"Not everyone is going to use you. Try to have some trust. Not everyone wants to get with us and we'll try not to be as protective when you make a guy friend. This year could be completely different. Just try." I just sigh. He knows all about all the girls that have used me. All my brothers know. They've all heard me crying about it late at night. I just want one friend who doesn't want to get in my brother's pants or one that isn't afraid of what my brothers would do. 

"I'll try. I promise." He smiles and then starts the car and now we're back on the way to school." 

Zach pulls up and I grab my bag. I get out of the car and was about to walk away before suddenly there was a horn. I turn around and look at him like he grew two heads. 

"Have a good day at school. I don't know who's picking you up yet but one of us will text you." I nod my head and then make a run for it. I'm hoping everyone ignored the horn and that none of the girls saw my brother. I just want to get in and get to my first class. 

As I made my way to class, I went over to my locker. While I was at my locker another girl came to the locker next to mine. I was praying she wasn't going to ask if she could get my brother's number or if I could introduce her to one of them. Surprisingly she didn't ask. I was just about to leave but before I could someone said excuse me. I sighed and turned around. 

"Look. I'm not giving you my brother's number. I'm not telling you which one is single. I will not introduce you to them. I will show your picture to them. And no you can't offer me anything to get an article of their clothes. That's just weird and frankly kinda psycho so maybe you should see a psychologist if you feel you need some of their clothes." I finish my rant and the girl looks shocked, to say the least. 

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I wasn't planning on asking about your brother or brothers. I just transferred here and was hoping you could tell me where room 189 is. I believe it's Italian with Mr. DiNozzo?" I have never wanted to slap myself in the head more than I have now. 

"I'm so sorry. It's just I'm so used to all the girls trying to get with my brother and it's just become a second-nature response. You probably think I'm a little insane and I completely understand. For what it's worth though, I also have Mr. DiNozzo so you can just follow me." 

"Okay thank you. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry people try to use you for your brothers. That's gotta cause some trust issues." To say I'm shocked is an understatement. After my whole rant, she didn't seem to think I was insane and she still wasn't interested in my brothers. Maybe this year could be different. 

"Thanks for being so understanding. Are you done at your locker? I was just about to head to class." She smiles and closes her locker. 

"Ya lead the way. Oh and I'm Claire." 

"I'm Isabella. It's nice to meet you." We make our way to class and sit at a table together. Maybe Zach was right. This year could be different. 

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