Gravity don't mean too much to me
Is this our destiny?

This world is after me, after you
Run away like it was yesterday
And we could run away, run away, run away
Run away from here
Yeah, away from here
Away from here

After we finished singing and dancing around, we plopped down into a booth, out of breath.

After I caught my breath, I turned to Party and asked, "How do you sound exactly like the guy who sang that song?"

He turned to me with a cheeky grin, "Well, you may not believe this, but, we made it."

I looked at him in awe, "Really?"

"Yeah. Me, Kobra, Jet, and Ghoul were in a very successful band before the bombs, wars, and BL/ind."

"What was your band's name?"

"My Chemical Romance."

"You're Gerard Way?"

"Yes, I am!"

"Wait, let me guess the others... Kobra is Mikey Way since you guys are brothers. Fun Ghoul is Frank Iero because it just makes sense, and Jet Star is Ray Toro?"

"You are correct, little one. How'd you know about us? Did Cherri show you our music?"

"No, I listened to your band before I got to the zones- this is amazing!"

"What is, sugar?"

"I've always wanted to meet you guys and I didn't even know that I was living for you for months! This is so cool!"

"You are so fucking adorable." He chuckled.

"Ah! Gerard Way just called me adorable!" I squealed and jumped on the seat while Party laughed.

"How many songs do you know from us?"

"Well, I know the Danger Days album, Black Parade album, and Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge album."

"My girl knows my music! This is cool. Anyways, those dance moves were awesome. How'd you learn?"

"Thank you, and I didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I never went to a dance school and learned to dance, I just... dance. I just move my body with the beat of the music and I don't even care how I look while doing it."

"You looked graceful while doing it. Tiny people are good dancers."

I blushed, "Thanks, Party."

"No, problem, kiddo. That could be your killjoy name!"

"Kiddo? That's kinda-"

"No, silly! Tiny Dancer!"

"That Elton John song?"


"Alright, alright, I'll stop! But that is a really good choice."


"But... I want my name to be a combination of yours and Ghoul's. How about... Toxic Ghost!"

Party was about to say something else but was interrupted by the static of his walkie-talkie. We found walkie-talkies a couple of weeks ago, so now everyone in the zones has one. We've been using it to communicate with people who are far from us. With me being the new killjoy (and a kid) a lot of people like to contact me. But, I mostly speak to Mad Gear through here. He lives with Val Velocity and the Ultra V's. I'm good friends with Vamos and Vaya, but I feel like Val keeps trying to steal me from Party, and I think Party feels the same way.

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