Chapter Five

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Lying in bed I could hear the rain pouring onto the ground outside.

Some drops fiercely tattering on my window pane. I had no clue what time it was. The thunder that woke me miles away by now. Checking the time I hear a strike of thunder thud against the energy of the sky.

2:08am was the time shown brightly on my phone. I haven't seen Adam in three days or anyone else for that matter.

I was strongly convincing myself to just hitch a ticket back to New York where no one bothered or pestered me. Then again I was glad to back at times. I met Adam. A great smart guy who I have been avoiding. Which is harder then you think.

Especially because we live in the same building. I been avoiding his calls and everything. Him knowing what happen between me and my brother was entirely too personal for me. I hadn't even told my best friend who was like a sister to me.

Let alone Dean. Not even my parents. Now he knows and I can't help but hate the way I imagine him looking at me. But in the midst of it all I don't blame him. I do feel guilty.

I want to just go up there and say 'hey sorry for being a bitch'. Probably still wouldn't fix it. Getting up I go to the kitchen. Hopefully a pizza place would be open at this late hour.

Finding my Pizza Hut coupons I call.
"Pizza Hut. This is Craig." Says an employee.

"Are you guys still delivering this late?" I ask praying to god. I was starving.

"Yes, ma'am." Thanking god for answering my prayers I order two pizzas and sit on my couch in the dark.

Opening my phone I start reading on my ebook app. Engrossed in my reading I barely hear the knock on my door.

"That was fast." I think to myself.

Opening my door in just my t-shirt a smile comes upon my face. Oh, what pizza can do.

To my surprise I find Adam standing outside my door in just his boxer shorts. For a second we just stand there. Finally, taking a swallow I break the silence.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I just- I, uh... Can I come in?" He asks a little spooked.

"Yeah, sorry." I say opening the door wider. Coming in I see he's soaked in water.

"Were you outside?" I ask closing the door. He just nods turning around.

"I was running." He tells me.

"Running? It's past two in the morning." I say to him fetching a towel. "Why didn't you go home Adam?"

"I couldn't sleep. I needed you. I mean I needed to see you. I keep having those dreams. I thought they stopped, but with... Tommy's memorial coming up..." He trails off looking down.

"It's fine." I whisper. "Why don't you get in the shower and I'll dry your clothes." I tell him. He nods walking into my bathroom.

Standing against the wall I take a breath. Becoming scared to death when I hear a knock. 'Please be pizza!' I think to my self. Opening the door stand an acne faced pizza boy. Noticing my bare legs he just completely checks me out.

"Excuse." I snap at him.

"Oh yeah. Sorry here you go. That's $16.45." He tells me handing over the pizzas. Taking the pizzas I hand him a full twenty.

"Keep the change." I say with a wink. Watching his face completely blush red. Turning abruptly he runs into the wall.

"You okay?" I ask trying not to laugh. he just nods it off while I close my door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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