Chapter 9: Taking Action

Start from the beginning

Verona: Fine, fine. This is going to prolong our stay. But if it is your desire, then be sure to be ready for what comes. You may not be able to keep him safe from everything.

  Verona places her hand on your head, lightly caressing your face, examining your features as she smiles to herself.

Verona: Mmmm, he does look rather cute, I can vaguely see your attractions. But do be sure he feels the same. IF he breaks your heart, I won't hesitate to eat his.

  Verona leaves the room as Aleera scoffs at the remark. You stand on your own feet as Aleera hugs you tightly.

Aleera: Are you alright darling?

Y/N: Headache is all. And I feel like I was drugged.

Aleera: Verona charmed you. It's best not to look into their eyes without your magic glasses.

Y/N: They aren't magic, their blessed to avoid seductive charms such as those.

Aleera: Hmm, sounds like magic to me.

Y/N: Shut up.

  You brush yourself off before going to retrieve your glasses. You hear tapping at the window once again. You see your raven cawing loudly that it irritates you. You rush over to it and it scrambles into the room, cawing your ears off.

Y/N: Shut your bloody trap! What the hell's got you all worked up.

  The raven only caws more as it flies out the window, as if beckoning you to follow it.

Aleera: I think it wants you to follow?

  You were against it at first, but you noticed the message on it's leg was still attached, meaning Robin never got it, which may mean something is wrong.

Y/N: Well, I'll be out then.

  You climb onto the window as Aleera grabs your wrist.

Aleera: I am not letting you out at this hour? It isn't safe for your kind out there.

Y/N: This is important though. A friend of mine may be in trouble and may need my help. Just let me do this. You can't restrict my every move.

  Aleera rolls her eyes before letting your wrist go, then yanking you by your collar.

Aleera: Fine. But love, do come back before the sun rises. I need you here.

  She presses her lips against yours as you kiss her back. Holding onto her tightly before releasing her, and leaping out of the window. Following the raven.

  You rush through the streets as a blur of shadow, moving like you did on your nightly hunts back in New Haven. Clinging to the darkness and keeping your weapons ready. Making your way down the quiet, foggy streets. There was nothing but silence in the air. You felt an unease as silence usually didn't mean anything good, especially when it was dark.

  Your Raven circles overhead, you notice an area by some bushes, the first thing that caught your eyes was the blood on the sidewalk. Your eyes widened as you rushed over to examine it. Praying that it wasn't Robin's blood.

  The trees also caught your eyes. You saw claw markings in them, big, deep gashes. Making your way to the trees, you placed your hand across the scratches. They were much larger than your typical werewolf.

Y/N: Hmm, don't tell me he was attacked. If some werewolf so much as hurt him I swear to the heavens above.

  You made your way through the brush and deeper into the forest. Similar claw markings were in the trees, even a few trees were broken. This truly wasn't a normal were wolf, but what other beast could have done this?

  You readied your pepperbox as you searched around, looking and looking, you noticed little droplets of blood on the forest floor. They were small and pretty easy to miss, but the faint moonlight aided you on this search. You followed the trail as you only noticed more and more blood the further you walked. 

  As you walked, a hellish smell filled your nose, making you cover it out of disgust. Walking deeper, you discovered the body of a man, his head smashed like a melon, his guts splattered and sprayed across the ground. Though due to the rot, this body had been here for some time now.

Y/N: Poor bastard. May you rest in peace.

  You lightly hold your hands together in a praying motion as you continue your search for Robin. Your heart rate only increasing as you wonder what condition he may be in if the raven lead you here. You prayed that he was alright, that he wasn't hurt and that he was alright, so that the both of you could walk out of this.

  Your raven cawing, as you look up in the tree line. You see it fly down and behind another tree. You decide to quietly make your way over to that tree, gun in hand and ready for anything at this point. Quickly looking around and taking aim, you noticed a sight that made your eyes widen in shock.

Y/N: R-Robin?

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