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"I knew," says Voldemort. He paces his study, a small show of weakness. There is of course no one there to see it... no one except himself.

Tom stands stiff, his eyes following Voldemort's figure like one might follow a ping pong game; back and forth, back and forth. "Knew what?"

"That the Potter boy knew you," says Voldemort. "That he trusted you. The fact that he might have our journal is no big deal, no surprise... it is the implications of it that struck me so."

The words feel dry in Tom's mouth whenever he speaks. Something has felt off inside him ever since he gave information to Voldemort, making this whole kidnapping business possible. "I don't know what you mean," he says.

He thinks that he wanted Harry dead. But... Not like this.

"Why bring that journal, our journal, to his side, on what is nearly a suicide mission? Why bring that journal, our journal, over his best friend Hermione Granger? Why bring you, who he must know betrayed him? That's what I'm wondering about, Tom."

Tom winces. It looks bad, laid out all like that. But he tells the truth, "He likes me. Our work in getting him to trust me has been very effective." Why does that feel so horrible to say? Why does he not want to treat Harry as a means to an end? He wants to see this boy's Dark legacy play out, every bit of it.

Voldemort narrows his eyes. "Then why your demeanor?"

That startles Tom. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, boy."

Tom narrows his eyes. "Do not call me that," he snarls. "I am your equal!"

"Equal? No, you are not my equal. You are squabbling young schoolboy at the right hand side of a dictator, way in over your head. Because this was not according to your plan, was it? Harry getting captured." Voldemort grins and Tom tries not to dismay. "You wanted everything to go as you said it would -- you wanted Harry to kill himself, you wanted him to blossom and grow Darker."

"So what?" spits tom, finding his courage. "You wanted things to go your way just as bad as I wanted them to go mine!"

Voldemort cackles loudly, then approaches Tom until their chests are nearly touching. His laughter dies suddenly. "You are lucky," Voldemort says, lowly, "that I agree."

Tom fights off the urge to cower. He is a version of lord Voldemort, after all. And Lord Voldemort does not cower. "Agree with what?"

"Agree that Harry Potter has potential."

Tom blanks. "I -- you agree with that?"

Voldemort laughs, backing up and gesturing with his hands. "Of course! Did you hear the good news?"

"No," says Tom.

Voldemort laughs some more, the sound of it harsh and grating against Tom's ears. Tom winces. "Here," says Voldemort, summoning a copy of today's Daily Prophet. "Take a look for yourself."

Even before Tom reads it, he cannot help but think that maybe Potter has something to do with this. But on second thought, that might be too kind a thought, assuming that Harry himself is all that innocent. The paper reads: MURDER AT HOGWARTS! DOLORES UMBRIDGE KILL BY BOY WHO LIVED!

"Oh," says Tom, softly. "I see."

"What an asset the boy has made himself!" bellows Voldemort. "He has for sure earned his life! A fixture of the Light turned Dark -- imagine if we could get him on our side, a full fledged Death Eater."

"I don't think it'll be that easy," says Tom... but even he is unsure. This piece of information is most surprising... but it shouldn't be, looking back on it now. Hadn't Tom always seen the potential in Harry to be Dark? Hadn't he spent his days encouraging it?

So no, it is not the information itself that is upsetting. It is Voldemort's reaction that is.

What about their plan? To get Harry to kill himself, the ultimate revenge? Voldemort abandoned it the moment he sent Harry the vision of his godfather. Voldemort has new interests now, all of them devious and manipulative and most importantly involving keeping Harry alive.

And Tom... Tom isn't having it. He hardens his face into a smooth, empty expression. He says, "The figurehead for the Light in our hands, on our side... it could very well be the end of the Order altogether."

Voldemort cackles some more, glad Tom finally gets it.

Tom is planning. He thinks that maybe, his own ideas are obsolete. Maybe Harry is better off alive... at least for right now. But he is not best used serving Voldemort -- not that Tom is sure that that'll ever happen -- and so Tom's new plan involves a cunning escape, manipulation of his own, and somewhere along the way, the death of one Ron Weasley.

"Now go see how our boy is settling in," says Voldemort, pushing Tom out of the room. Tom glances behind him, looking as Voldemort stands in the doorway and straightens his robes. "I have important business to deal with." And then he slams the door in Tom's face.

Oh, to imply that any business of Tom's is unimportant, to slam the door in his face, to turn him away. All of it is most insulting. And Tom's half formed plans solidify, alongside his will, because he knows Voldemort... and knows that he does not deserve to use Harry. Yes, the defeat of Voldemort (not death -- for Tom himself does not wish to die) would be acceptable. Would be commendable, something to celebrate.

It joins the chorus of ideas dancing in Tom's head. An insane thought comes to him, but he is overjoyed at its arrival: perhaps Harry should be the new, ever feared Dark lord... yes, that would do just fine.

Harry and Tom. Ruling the world. Then, Harry's untimely demise following the death of a close, close friend... a friend that is not Tom; a friend who is otherwise unworthy.

It all sounds so perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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