Chapter 8

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Eventually, all the food vanished into thin air and Professor Dumbledore rose to his feet again. The great hall fell silent.

"Ahem- only a few more words now we are all fed and watered. First-years should note that the forest on the edge of the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. I have also been informed by Mr Filch, the caretaker, that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of term, this is an invitation for students in their second year or higher. And now, bedtime. Off you go!"

The first-years followed their house's prefects through the chattering crowd, out of the hall and up the staircase. Ophelia noticed how the portraits seemed to be moving, and curtsied when one bowed at her.

"Now, you want to look out for Peeves, the unwanted resident poltergeist," said one of the Gryffindor prefects. "Luckily he isn't here, meaning he's probably bothering one of the other houses. Avoid him if you can, otherwise just threaten him with the Bloody Baron. If that doesn't work, then, well... run."

At the very end of the corridor hung a huge portrait of a large woman in a pink silky dress.

"Password?" she demanded.

"Bestias Oceani" said the sixth year. The portrait swung open, revealing the common room, a cosy, rounded room filled with armchairs and sofas. There was a blazing fire in the corner, stoked with stacks of wood.

They each said their goodnights to each other, the girls were directed through one door to their separate dormitory and the boys to another. Each door had a list of names to indicate who was going to be living with who. At last they found their beds: five identical four-posters hung with deep red velvet curtains. However, a door on the very end of the corridor had an extra sign on it, reading: Because there is an unusual number of first-years, there will be only three sleeping in this room. To Sirius' delight, the three names were Remus Lupin, Sirius black and James Potter, written in cursive handwriting. They couldn't believe their luck.

They headed in to see that their trunks were already there. Too tired to talk much, they chose their separate beds and got ready to sleep.


James woke up first. It was barely light outside, but he could hear movement and slight chatter from the room next door. Birds were chirping outside of the window so he took that as a sign of dawn. He peeled back the curtains completely and glanced at the others in the room. Sirius had obviously fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow since he hadn't bothered to pull the curtains across. Remus however had done, so James wasn't sure if he was awake yet or not. Sirius' hair was sprawled across his pillow. He was lying on his front, fast asleep.

James quietly coughed and saw Remus draw back his curtains. He had a book in his hands. "Finally awake then? I'm assuming he still isn't," nodding at the boy's sleeping form.

"How long have you been up?" He raised a brow.

"About fifteen minutes, don't worry. We're gonna have to wake him though,'' Remus replied, grinning.

"I guess so, doesn't look like he's gonna do it himself anytime soon, does it?" He got up and stepped over their discarded clothes from last night and poked him once. Nothing. He poked him again. Still nothing.

Laughing, Remus also got up and pushed him, but his only reaction was to roll over onto his other side.

"I think we're gonna have to push him off the bed," James said, no longer bothering to keep quiet.

On the count of three, the two boys forcefully shoved Sirius, causing him to land with a thud on the floor, limbs tangled in his duvet. He started to stir, peeling open an eyelid, squinting at the pair.

"How'd I get here?" He clambered out of the mess he was sitting in and sat back on his bed. The two looked at each other, stifling a laugh.

"No clue, anyway we better start getting ready, we get our timetables today." Remus headed over to the bathroom they shared.


Meanwhile in the girl's half of the tower, Ophelia had managed to get a dorm with Lily, Mary, Marlene and Dorcas. It seemed as if luck was on their side. The five of them were already awake, Marlene was in the shower washing her hair and the other four were getting dressed, having already finished in the bathroom.

"So, I was speaking to Sirius Black yesterday, and I was wondering if you were related? Since you share the same surname," Lily wondered.

"It would seem so, I only just met him yesterday. I live in a very secluded place. I didn't know this all existed, including him. I have been very cut off with the outside world."

"Same, I'm muggle-born, I didn't know magic was actually real until a month ago."

Ophelia inaudibly sighed. "I went to a muggle school for two years, but with a different identity, because my mother said it was best to stay hidden for some reason. I was home-schooled afterwards. Anyway, I grew up in what's basically the middle of nowhere, but I could still use magic. I only did it rarely though, a lot of the time I just walked up and down muggle streets, until I was forbidden to."

Dorcas looked up. "Use magic? What about the trace? Does that mean you already had a wand?" She asked, curious about the new girl.

"The ministry would have no reason to be reported if I was to use magic because of how far away from people I live, but anyway my Great, Great Grandparents placed several charms around it so any magic is untraceable. Plus, with my parent's using magic around me it would mess with the trace. Also there are several wands in cabinets around my house belonging to my ancestors, so I could use any of those. I know a few spells, but not much." She replied, surprising the girls.

"Yeah, I was home-schooled as well. You're gonna have to teach me about muggle life and stuff because I don't have a clue,'' laughed Mary.

A/N: Bestias Oceani is "The beasts of the ocean" in Latin.

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