Characters (Ocs Info)

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Name: Quinn Roseanna Victorina
Age: 16+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eye, hair, and skin color: Dark Brown eyes, Blue Hair, Light Brown Skin
Physical appearance: Muscular Frame, Tall (183.78/6'0)
Ethnicity: Hispanic and a little bit Canadian
He loves to play sports especially track because it makes him feel alive. He also likes to sing, act, cook, and bake. He has 9 siblings 4 sisters and 5 brothers, he is also the middle child. Quinn and his entire family are werewolves.

Name: Malakai Noelle Gong
Age: 15+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Eye, hair, and skin color: He has hazel eyes with specks of gold, Black Hair, and light Tan skin with lots of freckles.
Physical appearance: He is skinny but tall(172.7/5'8.)
Ethnicity: His Mom is Hawaiian, and his dad is Asian American.
He is really good at art and is naturally talented with animals. He loves to paint, draw, and make costumes. He has a mom, a dead dad, and little brother who is named Abraham. Malakai and his dead father were both wizards.

Name: Astrophel Satigao
Age: 16+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: TBD
Eye, hair, and skin color: Brown Eyes, Super dark brown hair, and light brown skin with a birthmark on his left thigh.
Physical Appearance: Athletically built, slightly above average height
Ethnicity: Australian and Cuban
He likes to read and wants to be a library sciences professor when he grows up.  He's also very good at memorizing things and remembers everyone's birthdays. His family is a little off right now because his dad is cheating on his stepmom and has 3 kids with the girl he's cheating on her with. His mom died when he was young and he has a half sister who lives with him named Macie.

Name: Rayn Samm
Age: 15+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye, hair, and skin color: Green eyes, Black hair, and tan skin with very few freckles.
Physical appearance: Extremely skinny and average height
Ethnicity: He doesn't remember.
Rayn has live with 3 different families in his life his biological family, his aunt and uncle, and the Samm family. Now that he's been staying with them for almost a year now he's trying to adjust but that doesn't cover up the scars the last family's left no matter how hard he tries. Tech crew has become his escape from the pain he is in control and he is actually important for once. Tech crew seems to be the only thing keeping him together. That and all his new brothers who he has learned he either loves or wants to tear to bits.

Name: Ren Sohto
Age: 16+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: TBD
Eye, hair, and skin color: Brown eyes, Black hair, Light brown skin
Physical appearance:
Ethnicity: Blasian
Ren is a pretty chill kid if he says so himself. Except for the fact he sits close to the gossip table to hear all the news in the small town where he lives. He also listens to Mrs. Classire  when she comes into his dad's diner. His dad and his brother are awesome even if there is conflict and Luke is a neat freak like why does your side of the room sparkle? Anyways Ren just wants to live life even if it's a pretty nosy life.

Name: Emerson Alexander MacKay
Age: 15+
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Eye, hair, and skin color: Grey eyes, light brown hair, and Peach skin
Physical appearance: Athletically built and slightly above average height
Ethnicity: Welsh and Irish
Emerson was always the golden child being the youngest of 3 and second son he was loved deeply by his parents and much older siblings. He was good at sports (specifically soccer, track, and swimming), popular, and maintained decent grades. However when his friends dared him to try out for the school play he learns of his love for acting. Classic move for the youngest to always be in the spotlight.

This is all for now if you guys want more I can add them but for right now this is Olivan signing off at 8:35 pm/20:35.

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