Part 55: A Job Well Done

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My pulse rose, lowering the scalpel onto the leather like skin covering the bones. flashes shot around my head, that table... her eyes... the pain... letting out a whimper i droped the scalpel the clatter alerting karl. my hands, so small stained with dirt and tears as i held them out, awtching as teh blood drip down my arm to my fingertips. i could feel eveything start to shudder as the muffled sounds of speech spun around me. 

"Kiddo, its me... its me...Hey its okay, ive got you. Ive got you." 

his face morphed into hazy shapes and colors mixed with the background as my throat tingled. caloused hands cupped my face as i felt tears begin to form. he supported my face as i stared into my hands slowly moving my eye line to his. 

"Your safe... its all okay."

becoming clearer i saw all the dirt and scars that covered his face as he rubbed his tumb over my cheeks. his glases came off and i could see into his grey eyes, softened and marked with the torment of years of sleepless nights i was all too familuar with. 

"Shhh Shh, im here nothings going to happen when im here." 

bringing me into a hug i could smell him, cologne, sweat, metal and burnt wood. i tried to focus on the smells and the feeling of shapes being dram on my back as he held me close. 

"Deep breaths, remember focus on the breathing and the smells." 

he hummed in my ear and i felt teh bristles rub against my shoulders and face. feeling his hand on my neck i burried my head into his shoulder the water overflowing from my eyes as i finally breathed. hushing and humming he gently guided me out of the work shop holding my hand as he walked me out and into the main corridor. a sharp change in temperature made me melt into him again, feeling his heart beat as he stayed crouched infront of me. i felt so dumb, years its been god damn years and this still happens. Karl says its normal but it doesnt feel like it. i pull away and wipe my face, seeing the fire roaring in his eyes as he holds me by my hands. 

"Im so sorry that was my Fault, i should have realized--"

"No- No, Uncle Karl its not your fault. its mine if i hadn't had gotten like that to begin with and just dealt with it then it would have been okay."

i gave a sniffle and a dry laugh, watching as he summoned my bottle to him. the metal hovering by me as i took it dowing a good half of it. watching as he stood up karl gave a smile. 

"You say that but i do still feel bad, yet maybe ther is something else you can do..." he paused "So i need some knew ideas for the type of machines i will be building, your good at designing so maybe you could draw up a few blue prints for me?" 

"not as hands on as i want to be but i think i can do it."

there was a gutteral laugh as he claped his hands together. 

"Right so if you go to my office you should be able to find some blue print paper and you can make a start. If not then you can go see the duke and get some if you want, just lemme know." 

i nodded and took my bottle to find his office before it got too late.

miranda's 'family'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora