"Seriously?" Selene exclaimed..

"Who's Dewey??" Louie parroted.

"I'm sorry! I'm not good under pressure. You should know this by now!" Huey replied anxiously.

Selene watched as Donald came back with Dewey under his arm, and then he snatched her, Huey and Louie up and threw them in the back, and her in the front seat.

'Oldest sibling privileges.' Selene thought smugly.

Donald got in next to her, in the driver's seat.

"I can't leave you kids alone for one minute!" Donald stated.

"You and Selene were supposed to have him out by 10:00 o'clock Hubert!" Dewey started.

"You were supposed to signal before you started the boat, Dewford!" Huey shouted.

"At least I knew the script! I shouldn't be blamed for this." Selene angrily muttered, crossing her arms and slouching down in her seat.

"We never get to do anything!" Louie shouted in defeat.

"Kids, if we want to keep our home afloat..." Donald started. "...We've all got to do things we don't want to do. " He then reached for the gps.

"Destination McDuck Manor."

Selene jumped from her seat and poked Donald in the arm with a quizzical look. "How do you know Scrooge McDuck?"

"McDuck Manor? As in Scrooge McDuck?" Huey asked.

"Did you work for him, as a janitor, or something?"

"The bajillionaire?" Dewey said in disbelief.

"You're finally gonna sell us.." Louie added smugly.

Selene rolled her eyes. Mainly, at all her questions being ignored but also at the stupidity of that accusation.

"I never worked for him, Selene." Donald focused on her before turning back to Louie, "I would never sell you. He owes me. Big time."

"We're gonna meet Scrooge McDuck?" Dewey asked excitedly.

"That guy's amazing," Louie spoke with an awestruck expression.

"I heard he's so epic. He defeated a rock giant and carved a statue of himself out of its leg!" Dewey began.

"I heard he's so smart. He solved the mystery of the Chupacabra. Turns out it was just a shaved bear!" Huey added.

"I heard that he's so rich. He only hunts for treasure to swim in it!" Louie said in awe.

"I heard he made his way square! He built his empire on a single dime!" Selene gushed.

Just because she's sceptical doesn't mean she can't fangirl.

"All right, take it down a notch. It's only for a couple of hours." Donald remarked.

"A couple of hours with the most exciting duck in the world!" Dewey exclaimed.

The car ride was only 10 minutes, she passes his house on the way to school. Her brothers are always trying to see if they can climb the gate before they get shooed off by the housekeeper.

"Mrs. B! Open up. I need to get out of here before..." Donald sighed.

Selene almost lept out of her seat from the sudden honking noise.

"Ha!" Dewey laughed.

"Shut up, Dewford!" Selene exclaimed, her face heating up.

"Oi, jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya deadbeat!" Scrooge shouted at Donald.

The Mystery's of Clan McDuck! - A Ducktales Big Sister AU-Where stories live. Discover now