Spike's nightmare

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Spike was asleep by vida like always, then he woke up gasping and crying. Vida woke up. Spikey, you ok? vida asked. N-no spike said whining. Vida slowly kissed his cheek. I'll take care of it vida said as she went to see her friends. Everyone went to see him. Hey buddy, Dracula said as he sat by Spike. Spike cried after his nightmare. I had a nightmare about you all dying from Xavier. Spike yelled sobbing. Shh shh shh, it's okay. We're here, Zoey said as she hugged Spike. Knowing that it was a nightmare, it felt real for him. It's ok, "Dracula said before he gave spike some warm milk and a blanket. Dad, could you make a nest drac asked. Sure, Dracula said, making the nest. Spike fell asleep by vida. Dracula stayed awake so he could help if the kids had a nightmare again. Good night, kids Dracula said

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