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Yn's P.O.V :

Today, I woke up at 4 am for my interview. It's the World 2nd Rich company. I don't know how I get opportunity to have interview there. It's everyone's dream to be there. There employees are so talented and perfectionist. I've researched about it.

However, I did my Morning routine. Today,
I'm feeling so productive. I did my exercises too, which I don't do usually.

After preparing everything, it was 6:00 am. I was preparing my Body language, My choice of words and expression. I also look out what are the questions they can ask for.

(Beacause I am so lazy)

I walk out to my car and drive off. It would take 30 minutes to reach. While driving, I was listening to Dreamers by Jungkook. God, his voice is so angelic.

I finally reach there. That building was so tall and the designs are just 🤌 .

I went inside there I was so a handsome man who I guess is manager of the company. He had a cute smile. While smiling his bunny tooth were showing. It was cute. I want to squeeze him.

I went towards him, he looked at me and said, " How can I help you, Ms."

"Ms. Lee Yn, I'm here for Interview"

"Oh yeah, Come here. You're on time." He spoke while gesturing me to follow him. We went towards the lift.

He pushed the button to '69th' floor 🌚. I looked at him and he had this sly smile on. I thought for a while and then it hit me. Gosh, he's dirty minded.

I shrugged off the thought and maintained a good posture. Soon, we reached there. He gave me best of luck sign.

I smiled and said thank you. And knocked on the door softly.  'Cumming' can be heard from inside. I opened the door and went inside and closed it.

The air conditioner was On and the atmosphere was cold. His cologne was attractive even while back-facing him, I could sense him looking or more like glaring with detached eyes.

I went towards him and bowed to show my respect towards him.

He looked at me and said, " I love you."

Word's count : 369. 🤠
Even the words are dirty.

I would appreciate if you like or comment down. Or Taehyung will slap you with he giant hands.

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