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Angela is my name or what they call me. I don't go to school, just one class.. my life was ruined when i was born; on July 23rd , 2009, I was 5Lb. I didn't know what was coming for me 15 years after my birth.

When I was little, I imagined a wonderful life. Where I was happy and calm, had my life figured out..Turns out it fucking sucks.

I was 15 2020, and my dad cheated on my mom.. With my best friend's mom. He woke us up at 8 in the morning after New years.

Just to say, "im in love with Gracie's mom,"
Tears started to form in my eyes. Everyone was speechless. My mom was crying silently, my older brother got angry and stormed off to his room, then he started punching the wall..

Little did we know it would have an effect on him.. My 2nd older brother questioned my dad what he meant.. Asking if he's still our dad. I cried for days, Too the point I didn't eat nor sleep, I was by myself I felt numb I didn't cry after a week it just stuck to me.

I helped my mom with the house, and she fell in a deep depression, not eating or even leaving her room..

My dad acted as Normal, He didn't care about how we felt.. He said he's sorry for what he has done, but that pain is gonna stick forever
I couldn't believe him at that moment. I was disgusted by him, saying he fell in love with my best friend's mom. Anger took over me at that moment. I wanted to rip Gracie face off because my dad fell in love with her mom.

My dad left with Gracie mom I don't really remember her name..My mom slammed her door too her room my older brother left to somewhere, Me and my 2nd brother just standed still in shocked in pain we cried silently thinking how do we live on without him.

It was my first ever heartbreak by my dad..

That day, Gracie texted me
Gracie: Wow, r u okay?

Me: yea sure
 I fucking hate her how can she act all normal?!?..

I threw my phone against the wall in anger,How can she act like nothing happen like as if her mom and my dad ruin our family's,

She seem happy?

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