chapter 50: I'll gouge your eyes out

Start from the beginning

Which reminds me, didn't Gandalf say something about looking to the east when the sun rises? I really hope he meant that he will be coming back with help. If he's a no show today I swear I'll shave his glorious new white hair off.

"Yes. Yes! The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the last time!" Theoden exclaimed like the very spirit of life just came back and latched on to him.

"Yes!" Gimli shouts in excitement, already off on his way to blow on the horn. I smiled, things are starting to look up and I might live to sail another day.

BOOM! The force of the battering ram throws the men to the ground, but they quickly scramble back up to hold it. 

I ran towards the door to help the men holding the battered door down. These orcs really do not give up don't they? this is why fighting people is better, we can offer parley or negotiate somehow. That way we don't have to waste our energy like this shit. I really wonder what Sauron was thinking when he thought of inventing these things. Like what could possibly make you think of producing a disgusting army like this??

"Let this be the hour when we draw swords together." Theoden quipped, his hand on Aragorn's shoulder.

"Maeral!" Aragorn called, I turned my head to him. A slight frown on my face, did something happen for him to call me like that?

My eyes widen as my eyes landed on the sight of the men behind me. They somehow managed to get horses in here and I didn't even notice. Now that's freaky. Aragorn himself was sitting on his horse that Eomer gave us. Legolas was even on Arod. And besides Legolas, was an unoccupied black horse.

Aragorn gestures to the black horse and a slight smile creeps up on my face, I ran towards the league of men on horses. A big grin on my face. I hoisted myself up the horse, rubbing my hands around the horse's mane and finding my hands wrap around the reins. "I get my own horse now, this is so wicked." 

Aragorn and Legolas grinned at me, even Theoden looked behind him at me with a slight smile on his face.

BOOM! The ram crunches against the door again.

"Fell deeds for for ruin! and a red dawn!" Theoden exclaims as he puts his helmet upon his head with the rohirrim, the king of gondor, a former royal captain of the seas and an elven prince behind him. All set to follow his every command. 

A horn was blown and can be heard, sending a deep blast all through out Helms Deep. I see Gimli has successfully blown on the horn and did a wonderful job at that. The horn was still blowing by the time that the uruks crack open the door and pour into the room.

"Forth Eolingas!" Theoden roared, his sword raised and charging towards the uruks. Everyone behind him does the same, pulling out their swords and crying out as they charge towards the uruks. They easily trample from the force of the horses and the slashes they receive from our swords.

This continues on even as we charge outside of the halls and down the stairs. We charge on the roads of Helms Deep decimating the uruks that stood in our way. The horn was sounded another time as we rode out in the sun. The horn was an encouragement, It rung in our ears and danced along the roads as we killed the uruks that stood in our way. We were claiming back the rohirrim's home.

We charge out the main gate and out to the causeway, knocking uruk-hai off the narrow causeway as we go. My back stung as I move more and set eyes on the thousands of orcs that lounged about outside like ants taking dropped food on the floor. 

Every inch of my body was screaming for me to stop as we charge at the uruks outside, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't shame myself like that. Besides, the adrenaline and determination was keeping me going, I'll survive as long as this battle rages on.

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