Rose's thorns

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Steven POV

"Pearllll?" I call, "I think my soulmate is ignoring mee!" she looks up from her phone. "Why?" she asks, and I sit down next to her and explain everything for the next half hour. 

What I know is:
Y/n is a soulmate matchmaker(?) and I was paired with them on accident. It wasn't meant to happen, but they really like me from what I can tell. They have a rose ring instead of an earring and they are absolutely beautiful.
They seemed to be poor, or they didn't have a home. They had mentioned a river and food was a rare opportunity, and it made me slightly upset. This poor teen had been through something much worse than I- even though I was half gem.
They had to pair people ever since birth, and most likely, had to hide they ways they did it.

I look at my reflection of my earing. After Pearl takes all this information, she says in the most deadpan tone: "What am I going to do about it? The best thing you can do is convince your soulmate to spend time with you - no matter how long it takes." I nod, and she leaves to tell the others.

'That was some bad advice.' a voice giggles, and I smile, 'Nice to know, but I wasn't asking.' 'No, but you were thinking it.' I wasn't even going to try at the moment. I scoff and call Connie, hoping to figure out if she had gotten her jewel yet.

~Smol Timekipo~

"Nope, sorry! Got to go- Bye!" were her final words it was exhausting, nonetheless.

'I wish Connie had a bond, maybe she could've helped me...' I think, then my soulmate replies, 'On it! Remember, I'm the matcher. I should've blocked you, but I failed and now you know. Oh well. Anyways-' 'Who are you pairing her with? Someone good, I hope. What color string? Is it a boy?' 'Geez you didn't let me finish. I haven't decided. It's someone outside of beach city, but due to the string and Connie's personality, they will end up coming here, not her going there. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Plus, it's pink if that's what your worried about.'

Just then, I heard a curse and a plea: 'Steven! I'm being choked by the flowers I grew!! Ack- Forest near the forge, hurry!!' I sat up and called, "LIOOONN!" he came running in. "Can you take me to my soulmate?? The forge please?" Lion made a portal and jumped in.

There they were, being strangled by roses.

Your POV

That hurt. How he was concerned about Connie, her string, who she was going to be paired with. 'Admit it, you like the attention.' A voice taunts, but it isn't his. You had been stuck with these depressing thoughts ever since birth. You didn't know why, but you guessed it had to do with the pink gem on your shoulder.

I mean, It's the reason roses are suffocating you right now, right? That had to be the reason. Steven showed up on Lion, and you sighed out the remainder of your breath, now fighting for your life. You could taste blood, probably from the flowers that you were about to choke up.

He snags you into one of his bubbles, and you cough out stray roses. "Dammit!" he yells, popping the bubble, grabbing you, and running away. More roses grew from the floor, chasing after you and the boy.

You were paralyzed. You couldn't move, but that's all you wanted to do. "I-I'm sorry-" you sigh, regaining whatever air that had been forced out of your lungs. "It's my fault these flowers exist. If you ignore your soulmate for too long, it has negative effects, although I don't know why they are alive."

He gave you a kiss on the cheek, and you were instantly starting to feel better. You still felt as though your insides were scraped and stretched, probably because he healed your outsides, not your insides. The only way to heal that was... You blushed, 'A kiss.' you thought, forgetting the connection.

Steven ignored it, focusing fully on the thorned plants ahead. He tossed you his phone yelling, "Call Connie! She has a sword!"  you caught it, but you didn't call for help. Instead, you summoned a pink/red staff and wacked it against the plants. They were destabilized almost immediately, and they didn't have gems, so they basically disappeared.

You spun the staff once or twice in your hand, before putting it away. Then you realize he was gawking at you. You toss him the phone back, and he fumbles as he catches it. Then, he does something unexpected. He runs up and kisses you.

Your throat feels instantly healed, but you couldn't tell if it was from his spit, or the fact that you had accepted him. When he pulled away, face red, you laughed, speaking softly, "That makes it official?" he nodded and you gave him a hug. It caught him off guard, and he froze.

Then, you both burst out laughing.

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