Chapter 75: uh oh

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''Hang in there, I'll go fetch the healer'' Sophia murmured, Her hand gentle as she rubbed sympathetically at my closest wing before turning and hurriedly leaving.

I could faintly hear her shouting for the healer as soon as she left the room.

By I was too exhausted to do much of anything.

A heavy sigh left me as I laid down on the cold stone floor, Grateful for it against my fevered skin.

Placing my hands over my stomach lightly, I could faintly make out the movement of my internal muscles clenching and unclenching as my body worked to rapidly make an egg.

Something by body would be putting all of it's energy into for the next few days.

Seeing as I would be unable to shift form until it was done, It would be my body's top priority to get this thing made and out of me as quick as possible.

Slowly, Despite the stabbing sharp pain I was in, I felt my eyelids drifting closed.


Someone was touching me, My stomach to be more exact.

That was the first thing I noticed as I woke up. . .Partly due to instincts. . .Mostly due to the fact that their touch felt like being punched over and over again, Despite how gentle they were clearly being.

A cry of pain left me as I tried to curl away from the mystery person's touch.

Where are my mates?? Why aren't they here to stop this!?

''Theo! Theo it's okay, It's okay. This is the healer they're ju-'' Sophia's voice started to sooth before the hands moved away from me and a familiar voice spoke.

''Right. Well, We don't have any painkillers that won't damage your child, But we do have something that'll safely knock you out for a few hours at a time'' The healer - The same one who had patched Jude and I up not too long ago - Murmured, Their voice much gentler than I remember it.

Still, The fact that strangers were near me while I was stressed out and unable to shift forms only made me. . .Scared.

''CHILD!?'' Sophia screeched out, Causing me to flinch back and curl up into a ball.

''Yes. Mind your voice. All genders of sub Homigriffs are able to bear young, However. It is extremely rare, Near impossible for the males to bear the young. . .When they partner with other sub Homigriffs. . .Looks like your friend here learned the hard way that this doesn't apply with normal's'' The healer murmured, Their tone and voice 'matter of a fact'.

''Holy shit you're. . .'' I heard Sophia whisper quietly in shock as I slowly, Painfully uncurled and sat up.

 She was watching me with and expression I couldn't quite place as the healer returned to me with two wooden cups.

''I'm afraid I can't give you anything that'll knock you out all day, You're going to need lots of food while your body is burning so many resources to make your egg, So you're going to need to eat every other hour or so'' The healer explained gently, Moving to sit on the bed beside me.

I was just now noticing the fact that I had been moved to the bed. . .Most likely by the two guards standing protectively. . .And shocked, By the bedroom door.

Accepting the cups, I gulped down the bitter herb mixture in one go, Nearly throwing up again before the healer urged me to swallow the water in the other cup as well, Soothing my stomach.

The healer gave me a gentle smile as they urged me to lay back down.

''Rest, I'm sorry I can't do more than this'' They apologized before giving my nearest hand a gentle squeeze, The leaving the room.

As my eyelids slowly started to close, I looked over to Sophia, Who was currently staring at me as if I had just created some miracle.

''Sophia? Where. . .Where are Jude and Aldo?'' I asked quietly, My voice rough and ragged from all my vomiting.

She blinked once before shaking her head slightly.

''Quinn got kidnapped, They uh. . .They went to go bring him back home. . .Aldo. . .Aldo told me to watch over you and let you know you're in charge until they get back if you so wish'' Sophia was explaining as I struggled to stay awake.

She might have said more. . .But I was already drifting off to sleep.


:) Sooo. . .Yup!

Also, totally random vote that'll be important later on (Like, In a few chapters), You don't need to know the question, You just get to pick the answers.

Yes or No

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz