Michael looks at me with a skeptical look, "What he said still hurts you though. He apologized but there has to be a part of you that holds some sort of grudge."

I sigh, "Whatever you say Mikey. Now what do you want?"


After eating, I drop off Michael. Then I begin the short drive over to my school.

I can't help but think about what the kid said.

"He has a point" a voice beside me says.

I slam on the brakes in a panic, and quickly look at the seat beside me. Sure enough, the ghostly figure of the girl sits in the seat.


The girl rolls her eyes, "No need to yell. I'm right beside you."

I stare at her incredulously, "That's kinda the problem here! How the hell are you here?"

She shrugs, "Your psyche is weak right now, thought I'd use the opportunity to join you."

I laugh nervously as I continue to drive, driving slowly, "I'm going fucking mental."

The girl giggles, "Possibly. Your own fault if you are though. Bad people are bad for your mind."

"Like you know much about bad people." I say, irritated, and immediately regretted saying it.

The girl glares at me angrily, "Excuse me? I don't know bad people? You literally watched that fucking asshole murder me in cold blood."

"Language!" I point out in a sarcastic manner.

She just scoffs.

As I pull into a parking spot outside of my school, I glance over to see the girl is gone. "Fucking mental." I mutter to myself as I turn of my car and climb out to enter my school.

When I enter the first classroom that I need to be in all the chatter instantly stops.

"Ah, Y/N, welcome back," says the teacher with fake sincerity.

"I thought you died," said one of the kids, several others nodding in agreement with them.

I roll my eyes, "Oh yeah, for sure, nothing like death to kick off the year correctly," I scoff sarcastically as I take a seat at the back of the class.


After school I head to the pizzeria to see if Henry needs any help because I know for a fact William wasn't going to be there today.

Once I arrive I notice that there are only a few cars parked in front of the building when usually the parking lot is full. I just shrug it off and head inside. I'm immediately greeted with the sight of some hysterical woman sobbing and yelling at Henry. Henry looks worried and frustrated.

"What's going on?" I ask.

The woman rushes over to me and roughly grabs my shoulders, "PLEASE, YOU NEED TO FIND MY BABY!" the woman sobs.

I gently remove her hands from my shoulders, "Hey, it's okay ma'am, would you like to sit with me? Maybe you can tell me what your child looks like?" I suggest, gesturing to the tables a few feet away.

The woman nods and slowly makes her way to one of the tables. Before joining the woman I quickly glanced over at Henry who looked almost relieved.

Sitting beside the distraught woman I do my best to comfort her, "Hey, it's going to be alright ma'am. Can you tell me what your child's name is?"


When the woman leaves I help Henry with just random odd jobs from around the restaurant.

"It has to be William."

Guilty (William Afton x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now