Ben's Trust part 3

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Ben's POV
As they lead me to the deck I knew who owned it straight away "this was my old Desk" I told them as I walked to it "so that's why it had information about you?" Sam asked "yes" "but their is stuff on Wesley as well" "that has a reason" "the reason is?" Matt asked "Wesley was my one best friends we knew a lot about each other but when he died I hid everything that was important about him in my desk as their was stuff not even nelson knew about" "really" "yes" as time Kept going they were asking questions about it but I would only answer a few "did you see Deb kill Wesley?" I was hoping for Matt to not ask it but he did "yes" "why didn't you save h or well try to" woods asked "I did, and I succeeded to do so" they were surprised to hear that "he is alive?" "Yes but he just isn't awake I need one more thing before I  can awake him up" "what do you mean by that?" Sam asked "well in order to save him I had to make him partly robotic like part of his head where he was shot at, and other places as I did everything I could to save him stuff wouldn't work right so I had to replace them but everything work now" "are we able to see him" woods asked "not at the moment but later on sure I'd rather then he wakes he only sees someone he knows" "understandable" Matt said I told them that I have to go before saying bye to them and leaving back to my RV "now to find the last piece I need for you Wes" I mumbled.

Word count: 299

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