What a Strange Girl - Sayori x Monika

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-[A/N]- I have been reading A LOT of Sayonika fanfiction so, here
[⚠️TW - Depression and/or suicidal thoughts⚠️]

Sayori POV
I shift around in my bed comfortably. My alarm hasn't gone off so I can just get a few more minutes of sleep. I don't have to worry when I'm sleeping.
As I'm soundly asleep, my alarm goes off.
I don't want to get up.
Lazy piece of shit. You might as well die.
There you are, you bastard.
Weirdly, I've grown accustomed to talking back to my bad thoughts, as if they are just some person with random criticism. It's sometimes a nice with coping, but I still feel like shit, y'know?
I figure I should force myself to get up like I always do, but something holds me down. Like a horrible, weight on top of my entire body. I can't move.

Monika POV
As the first bell rings for class, I take my notebook out and scribble random notes I might need for today. There's a test, after all.
"All right, students, settle down! We're going over everything we've learned this unit, I'll give you 15 minutes to study, then I'll hand out the test. I expect you to-" Then the door loudly slammed open, MC and a shorter, frazzled strawberry blonde with beautiful blue eyes stumbled in. "Sayori! I told you to wake up!" MC was frantic and embarrassed, getting into his seat. "I'm sorry! I'm so tired today!" She yawned and giggled, then froze when she realized the teacher was staring right at her, looking very displeased.
"Gee, yeah, just- interrupt my instructions, that's fine." The teacher looked down awkwardly and continued, only I wasn't paying any attention to that.

Why haven't I ever noticed that girl in class?

Sayori POV
I feel guilt rise in my stomach as the teacher regains his train of thought and continued. Only, there was too much on my mind to pay any attention. But one thing I noticed was-

That girl- sitting in the middle . . . Why haven't I ever noticed her before?
You're pathetic, so what? She's just a person. She'd never want to talk to a stupid, late, loud loser like you.
Being really harsh today, huh?

I look down at my blank piece of paper, my mind racing. Her eyes, they're the most beautiful shade of emerald green I've ever seen. And the way her soft brown hair is held up by her white bow. She's like a goddess. How can one girl be so beautiful?

How can she be real?

My focus is brought back to reality when the teacher says my name loudly, as if repeating it. "Sayori, are you present? Do you know what I asked you?" I feel a million, harsh, judgmental eyes piercing me. It's horrible, I wanna crawl in a hole and die. I divert my eyes to see hers, the one thing that met with mine. I feel a warm, feeling crawl up my neck, and suddenly I get a thought.

"No, you should be able to just substitute that y= equation into the other equation's y variable and solve it to get the intersecting point of their lines on a graph." I caught my breath and realized what I just said. How did I know that?? I don't remember a single thing from this class, and I sure didn't hear what the teacher had said.
He looks shocked, everyone looks taken aback. But the biggest part is that the green-eyed girl was looking right at me, with an untellable look. Shock, dread, confusion. It was so weird, like she was the most invested one here.

"Oh-wow, that's uh actually right, Sayori. Well done." The teacher finishes the review and then lets us study for 15 minutes. But I can't focus on anything, except for that one girl. She's looking back at me. She has a big smile on her face, and I can already tell I want to be her friend. But one weird thing that still lingers in my mind is

A heavenly voice in my head told me that answer. A voice that sounded like could belong to this strange girl.

-[A/N]- Okay so, I love this so far, but I don't. So I'm gonna make a part 2

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