Rewrite the Code-Monika x Natsuki

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Monika POV
I hate the player so much. Why'd they have to go for Natsuki? Doesn't everyone like Yuri or Sayori or something? They're being a asshole. Why'd they program MC to be a dick.

So many questions flooded my mind. So many thoughts and emotions. One standed out: Anger. Well, sort've a mix of anger, jealousy, resentment, sadness. Perhaps despair? My feelings for Natsuki is getting hard to control. I can't just break character and tell her how I feel, either. It's like hell, a burning fire, an itch I can't scratch. A hopeless desire I wish would just go.

"J-Just shut up! I don't like you like that, okay? Jeez." I was suddenly surprised. "Oh cmon, you just say that cause you're embarrassed. You really wanna tell me how I hot I am, I just know i-" Natsuki cackled loudly. "Yeah, your ass is sweatier and greasier than a discord mod!" She mumbled something I barely heard but made me stop dead in my tracks. "I bet you are you if you're playing this game..."

What..? What does she mean 'playing this game?' Is she.. no. She can't be self-aware can she? I mean, I suppose it's possible. But how could she have found out? I decide I would ask her about it. I work up the courage to go up to her.

"Um, Natsuki?" She looked pleasantly at me, clearly satisfied with insulting MC. I could've sworn her cheeks were slightly pink. This made me more nervous than ever. She doesn't like me, I mean.. why would she..?

"Yes?" She sounded like she purposely sounded more cute than normal. Is she trying to fluster me? Cause it's sorta working... "Um, well, I wanted to talk with you.. alone for a second. Outside if you don't mind." My face was hot, I was stuttering like an idiot. And for one I'm not the confident club leader I usually present myself as. If anything, Natsuku seems more sure of herself in this situation.

Natsuki simply nodded with glee, and followed my embarrassed ass to the hallway.

"Sooo, what did you want to talk about?" She said. She leaned in toward me, with a smirk on her face but genuine eyes. She could tell I was nervous. "I-well. Two things actually." I took a breath. This could go well or horribly wrong. "I heard you say something quietly when you were talking with MC. You said he was 'playing this game'." I paused. Natsuki gave a blank stare. I feel like I shouldn't ask. "I wanted to know what that meant." She sighed. "Moni, you already know silly! I found out this is all a game through you! I saw you open the computer files, you just didn't realize I saw, dummy." She called me dummy lightheartedly. "O-oh." I feel embarrassed again. I look down. I feel bad. I didn't want her or anyone knowing about the game. I feel it would make them freaked out. "H-hey! It's okay. I'm not going through a crisis or anything! I actually suspected it for a while since our lives kinda seem like it's from an anime. Our character designs too." She chuckled at that last part.

I felt relieved. She wasn't upset. That's all I care about. Her. Just her. Without thinking, I bring her into a hug. "H-huh? Um, what's the matter, Monika? Goin soft on me?" I giggled. "You wish, princess." I expected her to say something like 'I'm not a princess, fuck you!' or something but she... liked it? "Aw, well if I'm a princess, I suppose you're my prince?" My face burned up. I didn't expect that, not from Natsuki. "I-uh-um." She laughed. "You're so flustered, it's adorable!" She traced my face with her small hand. My face was in flames at her touch. Everywhere she caressed left a burning longingness for her touch again.

This was amazing. It had to be some kinda of dream. Too good to be true. But if it was truly a dream, I wanted to make the most out of it...

I grabbed her face a leaned in. Scared, I let my lips linger over here for a second. She closed her eyes and simply whispered in a half seductive half desperate voice. "Are you gonna kiss me already, idiot."

My lips crashed into hers and time froze. She wrapped her small arms around my taller figure. I held her cheeks, her face was an oven at this point. The kiss lasted for about a minute or two, though it felt like an eternity, and I was sad it didn't. I gazed dreamily into her eyes, playing with her soft pink hair. She smiled proudly. I laughed.

"Heyyy, it's a party out here." Me and Natsuki quickly snapped our heads over to Yuri and Sayori sticking their heads out the club room. "I'm terribly sorry, are we interrupting something?" Yuri spoke, half genuine half joking. "Well Yuri, I guess we have to kiss now!" And Sayori swiftly kissed Yuri's cheek. "A-ah! Why'd you do that.." Sayori beamed. "Cause you're such a cutie!" Yuri smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear nervously.

"Well, this isn't awkward." I said. "Uh-I...This isn't what it l-looks like!" And Natsuki was back to her normal self. "Mmm, sure it is! Don't worry, we won't say a word to anyone! And MC just left, so you're lucky!" Yuri nodded and made a zipped lips gesture. "W-Well, thanks guys but I don't know if we're dating or not um, Nat?" Natsuki calmed down and gave me those innocent eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend, Monika?"

I suddenly feel all happy inside. Those words, the words I've always wanted to hear that was always miles away finally spoken to me at this moment... "Yes!" Natsuki smiled. "O-okay!" It was sorta awkward after that but I think I saved it when I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. She grinned and leaned her head against my shoulder. "Yay! So this mean you guys are a thing!! We need a party with cookies and cupcakes and movies and-"

"Sayori, you just sound hungry, dear." Sayori laughed at Yuris words. "Well yeah, I sorta skipped all meals today again , no biggie." Yuri looked worried and hugged Sayori. "We need to get you some food, that's not healthy." Sayori looked sadly at Yuri, and hugged her back.

Natsuki and I decided to have Sayori and Yuri over at my house for a sleepover. Me and Natsuki made cookies and cupcakes, as requested by Sayo, and horror movies that Yuri asked for. Natsuki and Sayori held onto me and Yuri the whole time. But I made sure to hold her tight. I don't want her to be scared. After the movie and snacks, we all went to bed, Sayo and Yuri snuggled up on one couch and me and Nat on the other.

Natsuki buried her head comfily in my chest and I kissed her head. "Good night, darling." She mumbled, half asleep. "Night."

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