"Yes? Wait what?!" he said a bit loudly then he quieted down minutes later he replied softly. " Don't worry honey, just come home it'll be fine."

I looked at my dad as he hung up he let out a sigh. "I can't stand those paparazzi. "

"What happened?" I asked

"Your mother was shopping and apparently a young man asked her about a piece of jewelry even asking her if she would put it on. Since he asks her about her ring size saying that it's a similar size to his girlfriend. She was only trying to help him but it was a trick. She didn't realize that a cameraman was filming her outside of the shop." He explained.

"What?!" I said loudly.

"That's what these slimeballs do, they film lies only to get more viewers, not caring who they hurt. She saw the logo of the van and called me." he said "She sounded so worried...i trust your mother, shes not the type of woman to have an affair. "

"Poor mom.." I said. I know that Mom would never cheat dad or my dad doing that either.

"Be very careful if you see a t.v. van be very cautious." He warned. "These guys will do anything to get money."

I nodded my head. After talking to him a bit more telling him about my day, I went to my room to sleep hoping that tomorrow will be a good day.

The next day when I went to see Joey and Yugi something was different. I don't know what it was.

End of P.o.v.

What she didn't know was that Joey was telling Yugi about a few adult videos that he saw in those late-night events on T.v. Not just that! But He's encouraging Yugi to watch one. When Kiara walked catching up to them before school started she overheard Joey say something about a movie.

"What movie are you talking about Joey?"Kiara curiously asked him.

"Nothing! You know it's one of those action movies!"Joey quickly said while trying to hide the obvious blush on his face.

"Action movies huh?"She repeated her smiled. "Maybe next time you'll lend me one of those action movies."

"S-Sure, yeah."He said

'Why is he acting weird?' Kiara thought glancing at Joey, she saw Yugi was blushing furiously.

They made their way to the front of the school Joey noticed something up ahead.

"Look! There's a television van parked outside the school gate!" Joey exclaimed Kiara looked up ahead and Joey was right, a big white van with the words ' Z-TV' written on the side.

"Why is it there?"Kiara wondered "If a white T.v. van is there it might be something important.." 'I hope it doesn't involve anything dangerous...dad told me to be careful around T.v people.' She thought

"M-maybe a super famous idol is coming to the school!" Yugi exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, that must be it Yugi!" Joey said excitedly "What do you think Kiara?" he said to Kiara as Yugi went to the van to check.

Kiara shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know and if there is an idol in the school I think we should just give him or her some privacy." Kiara answered ' I know I would, I get tired of any random news reporter asking me about my family's company and about my private life.' She thought 'But if it is a mystery idol here I'll just mind my own business.'

Kiara couldn't shake the worrying feeling she had all morning, hoping that the van will go away, Yugi and Joey told Tea their suspicions when they saw the van Kiara just listen to what the boys thought.

"WHAAAT! AN IDOL!" she yelled.

"Sure, and the evidence is the T.V. van parked outside the school gate!" Joey said smugly "Tell her Yugi!, Kiara!".

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