Reaction to the Wall

406 11 5

I got given an idea 😍

This will definitely be short :)

("Black Phones 😍" POV)

It was now 7:00 and I had made steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner; Requested by Griffin

"I don't wanna sleep in my room againnn" Vance groaned

"Uhmmmmm okay?" I replied

"We could sleep in the ballroom again" I added and shrugged

"Mama's carpet is soft.." Griffin stated

"Huh?-" I asked

"I face planted into your carpet once. It's very comfortable." Griffin replied

I stayed silent. There's something wrong with my kid.

"We should sleep in Finney's room" Billy said, everyone except me nodded

"Hey hey hey, where's my say in this?" I asked

"You cutely don't have one" Robin stated

"What the fuck." I said (<it's reminding me of Gwen in that one scene.)

"Languageeee" Bruce groaned

Everything was then silent for a whole 20 seconds, until Billy, Robin, and Vance shot up and ran to my room, Griffin being in Billy's arms

I immediately ran after them, Bruce stayed back and put the dishes in the sink < Pure angel ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ

As soon as I got in there, the three were looking at the spot on the wall with the pictures on it, Griffin was staring at the stars on the ceiling

"What the fuck? ✋😃" Robin asked

"I could explain but I don't want to" I stated

"So that's why you were taking pictures earlier-" Billy said, Griffin turning his attention to the wall

Griffin laughed seeing the picture of him hanging upside down off of the bar on the jungle gym

"I look hot." Vance said as soon as Bruce walked in

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" Bruce replied

"HEY!" Vance yelled

Everyone laughed



Another chapter done

Anything y'all wanna see?

And I swear. We'll get to Robin and Finney being a thing as soon as I get an idea, same for Vance and Bruce.

See y'all!

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