Bang Chan - Childhood Friends

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Bang Chan x Reader

Summary: Y/n and Chan have been friends since they were little kids, and have shared everything with each other. So when Chan writes a love-song, but won't share who it's about, Y/n can't help but feel upset about that."I just thought we were so close that we never kept anything from each other anymore..."

All around him little kids are copying the writing from the teacher, copying the word letter by letter. Straight lines intertwining and curved ones hugging around the already written ones. "Hold it up, let me see," the teacher says, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Just like everyone else, little Chris also holds up his paper, a proud smile on his face at the masterpiece. The teacher's smile falls as he notices the paper. Scolding the little boy he sends him out of the class. With a huff the kid sits down on the bench outside the classroom, a small pout on his face, why did he not like it?

Not a minute later the door of the classroom beside his opens. A little girl stomps out, her brows furrowed with anger as she slams the door shut behind her. Sitting down on the bench beside him, the young girl crosses her arms in front of her, staring off into the distance. Chris swore he could see a thundercloud above her head.

Glancing over at the girl beside him their eyes meet for a split second, only for the girl to grunt again and avert her eyes. Not liking the frown on her face and wanting to make her smile, little Chris shows her his paper. The colourful bird he drew instead of writing the word down instantly making the girl gasp. Her frown disappearing and her eyes wide in awe.

Pulling out a crumbled paper from her pocket, the little girl opens it and shows him. She too had drawn an animal instead of writing the word as she was supposed to.

"Whoa," he mutters softly while smiling at her drawing, realising they both got send out of the classroom for the same reason. Chuckling softly he sends her a warm smile. The school-bell ringing, doors swinging open and children filling up the halls distracts them from each other, both of them disappearing into the crowds without another word.

Waiting by the gate for his mom, as she is once again late, his smile falters. All the other kids are already picked up, leaving him alone. "Hah, your mom forgot you. She doesn't care-," a little boy says laughing, thankfully getting dragged away by his mom while she scolds him in a hushed tone.

As the little boy turns his head around, sticking out his tongue to Chris, a stone flies through the air, hitting the boy on his forehead.

Shocked, Chris glances around, only for his eyes to lock on the same little girl from before as she quickly ducks behind some bushes. Waiting for her to pop back up his eyes remain locked on the bushes. Crunching of leaves behind him makes him turn around to find the girl standing way too close to him. Yelping he stumbles back, tripping over his own feet as he does so.

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n," the little girl says, a big smile plastered on her face.

As she is making no move of helping him up, Chris pushes himself off the ground. "I'm Christopher Bang."

Now that he is standing again, the little girl, Y/n, grabs a hold of his hand. "You can walk home with me," she starts, her smile slowly falling as she continues, "my dad is always late."

Realising she too has to wait or walk alone, little Chris gives her a soft smile before nodding. Glad to have found someone like him, his eyes light up and so do hers, her smile returning. A tug on his arm catches him off guard, Y/n happily skipping away from school, dragging the little boy with her while rambling on about anything and everything.

During the following weeks the two only get closer, spending all their spare time together. During the days they run through the neighbourhood chasing each other, climbing into trees and splashing each other with water. After the sun has set, their time is spent watching movies, laughing together, building pillow forts and creating shadow-creates on the wall with a flashlight.

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