Part 2

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When I woke up the next morning, there was no sight of Ponyboy anywhere. "Soda, where's Ponyboy?" "I don't know he didn't come home." Every bad thought popped into my head. "No no no no. Pony." "Marie what is it?" "I can't lose him. I need to find him, right now." I put my shoes on and ran out of the house. Dallas. Dallas probably knows where he's at, right? I ran to his house and he opened the door. "Dally, where is pony?" "Shoot Marie, I can't tell you." "Dally. Where is Ponyboy." "Marie, I seriously can't tell you. You'll find out soon, but for right now, it's best if you don't know." "He's not hurt is he?" "No, he's fine." "Dally, when you see him, can you tell him Summer?" "Sure kid. You should go back to Darry and Soda." He hugged me and I left his house, running back to Darry and Soda.

Johnny and Pony killed Bob. They. Killed. Bob. Dally told them that they went to Texas, but I don't believe him. Pony wouldn't leave me behind, would he? I'm so scared for both of them. Johnny is only 16, and jail time can really mess him up. Now Ponyboy, he just turned 14 2 months ago. I can't let pony get hurt, not after what happened to his parents.

Darry got a call from the hospital, Ponyboy is there. Two bit drove us to the hospital and we ran in. I saw him sitting there, ash all over his face, also smoking a cigarette. He got up and ran to Sodapop and hugged him. Darry started tearing up, and they hugged. "Pony your hair." "Johnny did this. I hate it." "I love it, Pony." Ponyboy turned to me, and his eyes started tearing up. I pulled him and and let him rest his head on my shoulder. "It's okay pony. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you anymore." He sobbed, hugging me tighter and tighter. "Summer pony. Summer. We can get away. We can go wherever we want." I whispered in his ear. He got quiet and stopped crying. "How is Johnny?" "They said he had a broken back. Darry's arm got burnt, but he'll be good in about 4 days. We don't know about Johnny."
We sat in the hospital for a little, and then we went home. Pony fell asleep, so Darry carried him inside. I crawled into bed beside pony. I've cuddled with him before, but tonight was different. I needed to comfort him. Him and his best friend killed somebody, and then they almost died. I took his shirt off and his shoes, and then wiped his face off gently without waking him up. He has definitely lost weight, considering he was hiding in a church with basically no food. A gave him a kiss on the forehead and fell asleep right next to him.

I woke up, and noticed pony wasn't next to me anymore. I looked on the floor to make sure he didn't fall out of bed. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth and I saw Ponyboy making breakfast. "Goodmoring sunshine" I said and giggled coming out of the bathroom. "Never in my life did I think I'd wake up with no shirt on and you'd pop up in my bed." His face got a bit red after he said that. "Aww is my Ponyboy blushing?" "Shut up Marie" "Aww he is" I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. His face turned a bright shade of red. All of the guys filed into the house and into the kitchen. "That Cherry valance is kinda hot" Dally said, in a serious tone. "You know what else is hot Dallas? The sun. Doesn't mean you go and touch it." He stuck his tongue out and made faces. "Yeah Dally you don't wanna mess with a Soc, or date one." Darry said. Soda coughed and looked at me. "I think I'm gonna go before my parents thing I'm actually missing." I put my shoes on and walked towards the door. "Also Darry, I think you should take another shower. You're kinda stinky" he gave me his mad look but then laughed. Pony ran over to me and grabbed my hand. "Come by later?" "Of course pony." I gave him a hug and another kiss on the cheek.

I walked back to my house, scared of what my parents are going to say. I walked inside and they weren't surprised to see me. "Nice of you to come back, Marie." My mother said. "I'm so sorry. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas were at the hospital last night." "Those greasers are changing you." My father said. "Dad they're my friends." "Friends with murderers" "It was self defense. Bob threatened us a few hours before at the drive in. Johnny and Pony aren't like that. Pony would never hurt anyone unless he had to." "Ponyboy Curtis isn't a good person sweetheart. He's going to get you hurt, or killed." "You guys don't know pony like I do. He's sweet and caring. He won't hurt me or let me get hurt." "Honey, I don't want you hanging out with those boys anymore. They aren't good for you." "You two are Socs. You don't understand. These boys are my life. And if you two don't like that, then you won't have to see me anymore." I got up and walked out of the door. I headed to the hospital to see Johnny and dally. I went and saw Dally first. "Dally I don't know what to do. My parents are trying to stop me from seeing you guys. Johnny is dying, and you're stuck in here." "Kid I'll be out in a few days. Maybe even sooner. You gotta be tough, or you'll never make it out of this town." "Thanks dally." I went to Johnny's room, but he was asleep. I went back to the boy's house, but no one was there. I laid down in pony's bed, and eventually fell asleep.

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