chapter 10 suspects, threats, and love

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile with the suspects:

Then we have Pyrrha Nikos, emerald said.

Ahh, the invincible girl, their leader said.

She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible, Mercury said.

Do tell, their leader responded.

Her semblance is polarity, but you'd never know it just by watching, Emerald said.

After she made contact with my boots she was able to move them around however she wanted. But she only made slight adjustments, Mercury said.

Just enough to make it look like she's untouchable, she doesn't broadcast her powers so it puts her opponents at a disadvantage, Emerald said.

Hmm, people assume she's fated for victory when she's really taken fate in her own hands... interesting, add her to the list, their leader said.

There's also one more person who we should be aware of, Cas McCann, heard he's Beacon's part-time detective, Mercury said.

Hmm, a part-time detective, do you know what his ability is? Their leader questioned.

Well he's a mystery himself, only his teammates may know it, though they seem strong willed like him, Mercury said.

Hmm, add him to the list, their leader said.

Meanwhile Cas was in Vale looking for a nice suit for the dance, while he had headphones on listening to music to help him find one.

"You know, I'm the guy you walked up to, why? It's because you want a good, funky, Ni-i-i-ight" he sang.

As he walked he noticed that a book shop called "Tukson's book trade" was boarded and taped off.

Whoa! What happened here? Cas said.

He then asked an ongoing townsfolk.

Excuse me, do you know what happened here? Cas asked.

Yeah, the owner of his book store was killed. It wasn't too long ago in fact, police aren't sure the motive was, they said.

Thanks for the info, Cas said.

He then looked back at the shop, what truly happened? Who killed the owner?

He then pulled out his notepad and wrote down the murder.

He then walked away to return suit shopping.

He soon entered a tailor shop to meet a man with gelled hair and black rim glasses.

Hello, are you here for a suit? You look like a detective from my standpoint, the man said.

There's a dance happening on the weekend and I need a suit, Cas asked.

Sure, follow me, what color would you prefer? The tailor asked.

A white suit with a black shirt, Cas said.

Cas soon was led to a machine that scanned his measurements.

As it was over a machine made Cas the suit he requested.

Here you go sir, that will be 400 lien, the tailor asked.

Luckily Cas' work days at the weapons shop gave him plenty of cash to afford the suit.

Hmm, you have quite the cash to spend, you work in Vale? He asked.

Yeah, I am a part-time detective at Beacon, Cas said.

Hmm, alright, you may try on the suit, the tailor said.

As he got the suit on it, he looked in the mirror. He looked good, a little too good.

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